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Distribution: Freeware
Requirements: Arexx
Grep (included)
ixemul.lib (included)
Warranty: Don't be silly. This was a quick hack.
Use it at your own risk.
Authors: wbow@crl.com colin@cts.com
Will Bow Colin Thompson
Strips ANSI characters and
ASCII control(^) characters from text files.
Usage from the shell:
CleanUp ><path/cleanfilename> <dirtyfilename>
You have a text file that is loaded with strange looking
characters. You want the strange stuff to go >nil:.
Assuming the offensive file is called "unsit.man", and you
want to clean it up and send the output to RAM: for safe
keeping, call CleanUp like this:
CleanUp >RAM:unsit.man unsit.man
CleanUp writes it's output to stdout, so if you don't
specify a destination (>RAM:unsit.man) the cleaned up file
will be ECHOed to the shell.
You could give the file a new name when redirecting the output.
CleanUp is an Arexx script that behaves like an executable.
It can be called from any shell.
Copy CleanUp and Gawk to C: or anyplace in the path.
Copy ixemul.lib to LIBS:
Money Back Gaurantee
If CleanUp won't fix your problem child, try some of the other
strippers on AmiNet. If that doesn't work, email us the
offending file and we will return a version of CleanUp that
will work for you.
Contents of text/misc/CleanUp.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 734 2052 35.8% -lh5- 292c Nov 27 1994 CleanUp.info
[generic] 71172 148408 48.0% -lh5- 7503 Oct 6 1994 CleanUp/c/gawk
[generic] 4811 8700 55.3% -lh5- 8505 Nov 25 1994 CleanUp/CleanUp
[generic] 1404 3099 45.3% -lh5- c04a Nov 27 1994 CleanUp/CleanUp.doc
[generic] 661 3521 18.8% -lh5- d38d Nov 27 1994 CleanUp/CleanUp.doc.info
[generic] 77035 148428 51.9% -lh5- 10da Oct 6 1994 CleanUp/libs/ixemul.library
[generic] 5838 15170 38.5% -lh5- 1d55 Oct 6 1994 CleanUp/LICENSE
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 161655 329378 49.1% Nov 28 1994
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