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Short:ProPage4 Notes-print-Genie Deu&Eng
Author:Alfred Faust
Uploader:j k dax t-online de (Alfred Faust)
Requires:ProPage4.0, OS2, 2MB FastRam
Download:text/dtp/Notes1.5.lha - View contents

With this Genie you can print notesheets in super quality, like
professional notes print. The quality depends only on the resolution of
your printer.
Its easy in use. German and english version. With detailed Guide.

Mit diesem Genie können Sie Noten in einer Superqualität drucken.
Die Qualität ist nur von der maximalen Auflösung Ihres Drucker abhängig.
Einfach im Gebrauch.
Deutsch und englische version. Mit ausführlicher Anleitung.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1636     858 47.5% 30-Jan-99 20:50:44
    1636     862 47.3% 29-Jan-99 12:32:36  Notes/
      92      84  8.6% 28-Jan-99 19:03:38  Notes/deutsch/AssignNotenDruck
   38147    3610 90.5% 03-Mar-99 12:13:38  Notes/deutsch/BassSchlüssel.file
   46321    4989 89.2% 08-Mar-99 12:48:16  Notes/deutsch/BassSchlüssel.rexx
      56      50 10.7% 02-May-94 09:22:02  Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Noten.dat
   72016   45851 36.3% 07-Jul-94 15:29:40  Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Noten.lib
    1660     433 73.9% 02-May-94 09:22:10  Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Noten.metric
      55      55  0.0% 10-Nov-91 12:48:20  Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Times.dat
   89392   59887 33.0% 10-Nov-91 12:48:18  Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Times.lib
   13308    1881 85.8% 10-Nov-91 12:48:36  Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Times.metric
   19432    3281 83.1% 08-Mar-99 13:27:56  Notes/deutsch/Noten.pprx
     782     309 60.4% 26-Oct-98 15:10:26  Notes/deutsch/noten_pausen/achtelpause
    1688     337 80.0% 30-Oct-98 13:13:32  Notes/deutsch/noten_pausen/Auflsng
    1246     419 66.3% 26-Oct-98 15:49:30  Notes/deutsch/noten_pausen/sechzehntelpause
     840     319 62.0% 26-Oct-98 15:34:54  Notes/deutsch/noten_pausen/viertelpause
   29923   11113 62.8% 08-Mar-99 13:57:58  Notes/deutsch/
    1590     739 53.5% 28-Jan-99 19:39:06  Notes/deutsch/
   42722    3850 90.9% 03-Mar-99 12:14:28  Notes/deutsch/Violinenschlüssel.file
   50207    5085 89.8% 08-Mar-99 12:52:48  Notes/deutsch/Violinenschlüssel.rexx
    1636     863 47.2% 29-Jan-99 12:32:44  Notes/
      92      84  8.6% 28-Jan-99 19:03:38  Notes/english/AssignNotePrint
   42529    4289 89.9% 08-Mar-99 13:06:18  Notes/english/Basskey.file
   45906    4783 89.5% 08-Mar-99 13:02:56  Notes/english/Basskey.rexx
      56      50 10.7% 02-May-94 09:22:02  Notes/english/CGFonts/Noten.dat
   72016   45851 36.3% 07-Jul-94 15:29:40  Notes/english/CGFonts/Noten.lib
    1660     433 73.9% 02-May-94 09:22:10  Notes/english/CGFonts/Noten.metric
      55      55  0.0% 10-Nov-91 12:48:20  Notes/english/CGFonts/Times.dat
   89392   59887 33.0% 10-Nov-91 12:48:18  Notes/english/CGFonts/Times.lib
   13308    1881 85.8% 10-Nov-91 12:48:36  Notes/english/CGFonts/Times.metric
     782     309 60.4% 26-Oct-98 15:10:26  Notes/english/note_pause/eighthpause
    1688     337 80.0% 30-Oct-98 13:13:32  Notes/english/note_pause/naturalsng
     840     319 62.0% 26-Oct-98 15:34:54  Notes/english/note_pause/quarterpause
    1246     419 66.3% 26-Oct-98 15:49:30  Notes/english/note_pause/sixteenthpause
   28161   10018 64.4% 08-Mar-99 13:54:26  Notes/english/
    1590     739 53.5% 28-Jan-99 19:39:06  Notes/english/
   19431    3269 83.1% 08-Mar-99 13:31:16  Notes/english/Notes.pprx
   47637    4576 90.3% 08-Mar-99 13:02:10  Notes/english/Violinkey.file
   50049    4929 90.1% 08-Mar-99 13:19:16  Notes/english/Violinkey.rexx
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  830823  287103 65.4% 08-Mar-99 14:03:52   39 files

Contents of text/dtp/Notes1.5.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  858    1636  52.4% -lh5- 56ac Jan 30  1999
[generic]                  862    1636  52.7% -lh5- 5738 Jan 29  1999 Notes/
[generic]                   84      92  91.3% -lh5- 230c Jan 28  1999 Notes/deutsch/AssignNotenDruck
[generic]                 3610   38147   9.5% -lh5- deea Mar  3  1999 Notes/deutsch/BassSchlüssel.file
[generic]                 5033   46428  10.8% -lh5- abdb Mar  9  1999 Notes/deutsch/BassSchlüssel.rexx
[generic]                   50      56  89.3% -lh5- 5226 May  2  1994 Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Noten.dat
[generic]                45851   72016  63.7% -lh5- 3d7b Jul  7  1994 Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Noten.lib
[generic]                  433    1660  26.1% -lh5- 0d47 May  2  1994 Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Noten.metric
[generic]                   55      55 100.0% -lh0- 96dd Nov 10  1991 Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Times.dat
[generic]                59887   89392  67.0% -lh5- 8b7d Nov 10  1991 Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Times.lib
[generic]                 1881   13308  14.1% -lh5- 2e72 Nov 10  1991 Notes/deutsch/CGFonts/Times.metric
[generic]                 3281   19432  16.9% -lh5- 476a Mar  8  1999 Notes/deutsch/Noten.pprx
[generic]                  309     782  39.5% -lh5- d55d Oct 26  1998 Notes/deutsch/noten_pausen/achtelpause
[generic]                  337    1688  20.0% -lh5- 08a8 Oct 30  1998 Notes/deutsch/noten_pausen/Auflsng
[generic]                  419    1246  33.6% -lh5- 52c3 Oct 26  1998 Notes/deutsch/noten_pausen/sechzehntelpause
[generic]                  319     840  38.0% -lh5- 5b92 Oct 26  1998 Notes/deutsch/noten_pausen/viertelpause
[generic]                11262   30306  37.2% -lh5- 514d Mar  9  1999 Notes/deutsch/
[generic]                  739    1590  46.5% -lh5- 6acc Jan 28  1999 Notes/deutsch/
[generic]                 3850   42722   9.0% -lh5- 639e Mar  3  1999 Notes/deutsch/Violinenschlüssel.file
[generic]                 5124   50318  10.2% -lh5- 83b2 Mar  9  1999 Notes/deutsch/Violinenschlüssel.rexx
[generic]                  863    1636  52.8% -lh5- ac7b Jan 29  1999 Notes/
[generic]                   84      92  91.3% -lh5- 230c Jan 28  1999 Notes/english/AssignNotePrint
[generic]                 4289   42529  10.1% -lh5- 05f7 Mar  8  1999 Notes/english/Basskey.file
[generic]                 4819   46013  10.5% -lh5- 98ce Mar  9  1999 Notes/english/Basskey.rexx
[generic]                   50      56  89.3% -lh5- 5226 May  2  1994 Notes/english/CGFonts/Noten.dat
[generic]                45851   72016  63.7% -lh5- 3d7b Jul  7  1994 Notes/english/CGFonts/Noten.lib
[generic]                  433    1660  26.1% -lh5- 0d47 May  2  1994 Notes/english/CGFonts/Noten.metric
[generic]                   55      55 100.0% -lh0- 96dd Nov 10  1991 Notes/english/CGFonts/Times.dat
[generic]                59887   89392  67.0% -lh5- 8b7d Nov 10  1991 Notes/english/CGFonts/Times.lib
[generic]                 1881   13308  14.1% -lh5- 2e72 Nov 10  1991 Notes/english/CGFonts/Times.metric
[generic]                  309     782  39.5% -lh5- d55d Oct 26  1998 Notes/english/note_pause/eighthpause
[generic]                  337    1688  20.0% -lh5- 08a8 Oct 30  1998 Notes/english/note_pause/naturalsng
[generic]                  319     840  38.0% -lh5- 5b92 Oct 26  1998 Notes/english/note_pause/quarterpause
[generic]                  419    1246  33.6% -lh5- 52c3 Oct 26  1998 Notes/english/note_pause/sixteenthpause
[generic]                10084   28302  35.6% -lh5- 4087 Mar  9  1999 Notes/english/
[generic]                  739    1590  46.5% -lh5- 6acc Jan 28  1999 Notes/english/
[generic]                 3269   19431  16.8% -lh5- 661c Mar  8  1999 Notes/english/Notes.pprx
[generic]                 4576   47637   9.6% -lh5- 9035 Mar  8  1999 Notes/english/Violinkey.file
[generic]                 4969   50161   9.9% -lh5- f600 Mar  9  1999 Notes/english/Violinkey.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        39 files  287477  831784  34.6%            Mar 31  1999
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