Type: pix/trace
Uploader: BIRJT@cc.newcastle.edu.au
Author: Michael B. Comet
By Michael B. Comet
Dungeon1.jpg is Copyright 1993 All Rights Reserved.
It may not be edited in any matter, nor may it be used in
or for any commerical or noncomercial publication or venture
without prior written consent of the artist.
It may be distributed for private use so long as this
file accompanies the image, and both the image and this file
remain un-edited, and the viewer follows the guidelines above.
This image is a frame from an upcoming animation I am
working on for a new demo tape. It is all rendered in scanline
and relies heavily on the texturing package Essence from Apex
Software. There are about 30 lights in the scene, and no
brushmaps. The animation consists of a 600 frame or so fly
through from out of one of the tunnels, around the pillars, and
up close to the fire. The fire animates as described in the
tutorial from the Essence Newsletter.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to
send them over internet to the address below. I enjoy hearing
what other people think!
Michael B. Comet
internet: mbc@po.CWRU.Edu