84782 packages online
Digital Magic Work traced pictures
´¯7/¯ Amiga 1200 TurboMTec 030,
_/\ 6MB,1275MB IDE HD,Overdrive-CD-Rom,
´ \¸ Microvitek Monitor
Now you can find here a new made picture. Some helpless from Mathias by
texturing and layouting, I want to thank. Really say: is the Amiga not the
best homecomputer in the world? I want to thank Amiga Technologies and
Escom for help the Amiga. Thank you for all the user, which make the Amiga
to that, what it is. Many thanks for my girlfriend Silvia, for here love
and Help.
Also in the Aminet from Digital Magic Work:
pix/trace: amiga.jpg also on Aminet CD 9
pix/trace: love.jpg also on Aminet CD 9
pix/misc: typisch.jpg also on Aminet CD 10
pix/icon: DMWbacks.lha
cu Marci
Contents of pix/trace/msdos.jpg
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