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Short:Angled down view of how im_sunii.jpg was done.
Author: kalb0003 at
Uploader:kalb0003 gold tc umn edu
Download:pix/trace/im_sunII.jpg - View contents

This shows an exagerated profile of how im_sun.jpg was constructed using
Imagine and Essence Vol I.  The sun itself was a sphere rotated on its X axis
so that the viewer is looking at the Z end.  This gives presents the smoothest
profile to the camera.  The sphere was then textured with 'varyrelrgb', colored
bright yellow, and set to bright.

The flares were created using a disk (A plane would work just as well) set to
transparent (255,255,255) with 'cylindturb' applied so that the Z axis was
perpendicular to the surface of the disk.  All settings except size
(which was adjusted for the corona size) and transparency (which was set to
0,0,0) were changed to -1.  This turned off coloring and made the disk solid
only where the texture was applied.  The disk was also made bright and a
slightly diferent shade of yellow.

A second disk was added to create a bright, hazy glare around the sun.  This
was created with the 'radial' texture.  The object was again set to bright
and yellow.  The texture had a filter setting of 255,255,255.

Finally, a third black disk was used to block out the stars in the glare.
Normally the human eye (and just about any camera) can't "see through" the
glare created by a bright light.  This disk was added to create this effect.


The flares can be animated by morphing two versions of the frist disk; one
with the texture axis translated along it's Z axis one way, and a second with
the axis moved the other way.  Since most of the Essence textures are
volumetric, this will work with just about any texture.


The flares look rather two dimentional if viewed for a long time by an educated
observer (i.e. you know how the effect works).

The surface of the sun could use a better texture.  Impulses Scott Kirvan
created a great surface with the 'Fireball' and 'Nebula' textures, however I
almost immediately lost the instructions.


Other textures may be applied to create more detail in the flares.  The only
restriction is the order in which the textures are applied.

When using this idea in an animation, always create the sun-sphere as one
object, and the three disks as a sparate grouped object.  Then rotate the axis
of the parent object (remember to re-align the texture axis) so the Y is
perpendicular to the disk.  This allows you to track the corona-group to the
camera so you will always have a head on view (try this, along with morphing the
flares, in a fly by...).

If you have any questions, comments or ideas, feel free to mail me.

If you make any improvements DEFINATELY contact me.  I want to know how you
did it and why (it's only fair...).

Good luck and happy rendering!

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