84782 packages online
Digital Magic Work traced pictures
´¯7/¯ Amiga 1200 TurboMTec 030 68882,
_/\ 10MB, 1275MB IDE HD, Fast-SCSI-II controller,
´ \¸ SCSI 4.4 CD-Rom, Paragon Mustek Scanner,
Iomega ZIP-Laufwerk, Microvitek Monitor
This picture is rendered in 4.00.00 h by using MaxonCinema4D V.3.1.
It shows in order the great NCC1701D and the Defiant. In the background
is situated a station. The objekts are from the AmigaRaytrcing CD Vol.2
and from Aminet. Thanks for the authors. I also used AdPro.
Also in the Aminet from Digital Magic Work:
pix/trace: amiga.jpg also on Aminet CD 9
pix/trace: love.jpg also on Aminet CD 9
pix/misc: typisch.jpg also on Aminet CD 10
pix/icon: DMWbacks.lha also on Aminet CD 11
pix/trace: MsDos.jpg also on Aminet CD 11/on Amiga Games CD
pix/trace: DMW.jpg also on Aminet CD 11/on Amiga Games CD
pix/trace Kelly-Fa.jpg
pix/trace Cabrio.jpg
cu Marci
Contents of pix/trace/enter1.jpg
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban
Müller and the Aminet team.
Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net> |