84782 packages online
Digital Magic Work traced pictures
´¯7/¯ Amiga 1200 TurboMTec 030,
_/\ 6MB,1275MB IDE HD,Overdrive-CD-Rom,
´ \¸ Microvitek Monitor
Here you can see a new Bootlogo for my system. It shows the old
Amigaball and my name in front. the background picture is from
a unknown author. Thank you. Sorry that the picture is in bad
quality, but I have packed with the best modus of JPEG. I would't
send a 24bit IFF picture, because only Amigauser, can read and see
thies picture. N-Joy.
Also in the Aminet from Digital Magic Work:
pix/trace: amiga.jpg also on Aminet CD 9
pix/trace: love.jpg also on Aminet CD 9
pix/misc: typisch.jpg also on Aminet CD 10
pix/icon: DMWbacks.lha
pix/trace: MsDos.jpg
cu Marci
Contents of pix/trace/dmw.jpg
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