84782 packages online
Info: LightWave 4.0 rendered picture.
Trace Shadows, Antialiasing Low.
Amiga 1200/060-50MHz, 18MB RAM, time: 652 seconds.
3D object designed for Low Res animations - it looks
a little strange in Hi Res but in Low Res it's cool :)
This spaceship is called YT-1800 because it is
something between YT-1300 (Falcon Millenium) and
YT-2400 (OutRider). YT-1800 is result of my pure
imagination - this is not real Star Wars object/model.
Mail me if you like this picture.
I don't like it :))) I like Low Res animations with
this object :)))
Look at animation! pix/anim/YT-1800.lha
Bartosz Boruta
Polygon Streak
Warsaw, Poland
Contents of pix/trace/YT1800.jpg
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