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Image: Visitors.jpg
Rendering System: Cinema4D Version 1.5
Computer: Amiga 3000/ 14 MB RAM
Rendering time: ca. 20 min.
Image specification: 640*512 (24Bit)
The spaceship of the old german SiFi series "RAUMSTATION ORION" ;-) If you
like this pic, drop me a line, if not tell me how I can improve that.
So long, Fred
Contact: captain-iglo@doom.gun.de
BBS: Doom of Darkness
+o49-o4223-8355 fuer 2.4oo - 19.2oo Baud ZyXEL
+o49-o4223-3256 fuer 2.4oo - 16.8oo Baud ZyXEL
+o49-o4223-3313 fuer 2.4oo - 19.2oo Baud ZyXEL
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