84782 packages online
A raytraced Picture by Syntic/Teklords&Smash-Designs called "The Birth
for the Party 6 GFX-Competition.
Placed 47 of 100
For more GFX visit http://members.xoom.com/synworlds
SuLTaN - Founder & Organizer,HTML
rOnNy - Organizer,music
SyNtIc - Organizer,3D-Graphics
mAdBaRt - Sysop,3D-Graphics
ArTe - 2D-Graphics(inactive)
vArIx - 2D-Graphics
MeL - 2D-Graphics(inactive)
gLuE - Coder PC
HoGgEl - HTML,Amiga Tuning,Amiga Hardware
wObBeL - Various Talents,Hardware,Law
FiGhTeRwRiTeR - Merchandizing,Hardware development
zIg - Win-instruktor
dIgImAn - hpa,sysop of ACID SLAM BBS (World HQ)
KgB - Sysop of EHQ (uk) Stargate
SmItTeN - Hardware-Support
bOaBaRaD - Various Talents
We are searching for new Members,especially Coders(Amiga/PC),2D-Gfx-Artists.
Wanna join?? Send an email with an example of your Work to:
sultan@teklords.org or
or visit our hp: http://www.teklords.org
Contents of pix/trace/TLS_birth.jpg
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