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This is an image of a cool idea I had for a walkman: Wouldn't it be wild
if there were such a portable device that could play all your favourite SID
music on the go? If I could have my way, (and if I could engineer such a
thing) I'd give it this:
Choice of SID chip emulation (at various frequencies, bits, channels) or
the use of a real MOS 6581 'SID' chip inside. IndiGlo® backlit LCD display,
graphical menu, SID Waveform display, Volume and Filter LED bars, Data port
(Maybe SCSI?) for copying SID files between a PC, and saving SID waveform
data as a long sample. On the back would be a slot for a 10MB flash card to
store the SIDs themselves.
If anybody had the moxy to build such a thing, I'd be forever grateful 8-9.
HEY! Do you not know what a SID is? It's music from the Commodore-64!
To get more info, first go here:
and then go here:
Crank up the volume and enjoy!!!!
Other things of mine which you should check out are:
pix/anim/AmiBanner.lha ;An animating GIF banner that supports Amiga.
pix/boot/Win95BURN.lha ;My Windows'95 trasher. Burn, baby burn!!!
pix/boot/Win95BURN.jpg ;A JPEG version of that pic.
pix/boot/WinBURN24.lha ;A 24-bit IFF version of that pic.
pix/wb/BeBoxWBs.lha ;Some pics of my WB using the BeIcons.
pix/wb/JapanWB.lha ;A Japanese Workbench. ;-)
pix/wb/HAMBrowse.lha ;A Pic showing how to browse the WWW in HAM!
pix/icon/BeIcons_2.lha ;A set of NewIcons in the BeOS style! (and more!)
gfx/aga/HUGEBench.lha ;Some monitor settings for a HUGE Workbench!
misc/emu/Snd2Mid.lha ;Converts NES PSG songs to MIDI!!
And of course, my webpage at http://www.sfu.ca/~ccovell/
It has lots of stuff that you might enjoy exploring.
See ya!
Contents of pix/trace/SidManLeft.jpg
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