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These are the images which I used on the LCD panel of my Sid Man idea.
I experimented with different colours of LCD display and finally settled
with the nice cool blue Indiglo® look. I also am playing around with the
look of the interface to the Sid Man. You can use these pictures for
whatever purpose you want, even to make your own SidMan :-)
Other things of mine which you should check out are:
pix/anim/AmiBanner.lha ;An animating GIF banner that supports Amiga.
pix/boot/Win95BURN.lha ;My Windows'95 trasher. Burn, baby burn!!!
pix/boot/Win95BURN.jpg ;A JPEG version of that pic.
pix/boot/WinBURN24.lha ;A 24-bit IFF version of that pic.
pix/wb/BeBoxWBs.lha ;Some pics of my WB using the BeIcons.
pix/wb/JapanWB.lha ;A Japanese Workbench. ;-)
pix/wb/HAMBrowse.lha ;A Pic showing how to browse the WWW in HAM!
pix/icon/BeIcons_2.lha ;A set of NewIcons in the BeOS style! (and more!)
pix/trace/SidMan*.lha ;Concept Render of a SID-Playing Walkman
gfx/aga/HUGEBench.lha ;Some monitor settings for a HUGE Workbench!
misc/emu/Snd2Mid.lha ;Converts NES PSG songs to MIDI!!
And of course, my webpage at http://www.sfu.ca/~ccovell/
It has lots of stuff that you might enjoy exploring.
See ya!
Contents of pix/trace/SidManLCD.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 13849 71456 19.4% -lh5- f98b Apr 13 1998 SIDLCD.Anim
[generic] 4900 48946 10.0% -lh5- a80e Apr 13 1998 SIDLCDColour.Anim
[generic] 815 1434 56.8% -lh5- 4655 Apr 14 1998 SidManLCD.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 19564 121836 16.1% Apr 18 1998
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