84782 packages online
No screenshot available
_______ _______ __.__
_\___ /_ _\___ /_ _( | )_
. | . / . | . presents on
| | _____|- -|
| | l_ | | | l_ the
l____| .: /___| l____| .: /
©dtA!____/-( appendix )-l____/ 01-Jun-98
three logos by mADbART/aPPENDiX^tLS
made for SHOWTIME by Darkage.
> showtime < > darkage < > spaceballs <
all in one style.
[24bit versions inside archive]
_\ _____ ____ ___ __ _ a p p e n d i x .____
\________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____ ____! /_
_\ __ /_\ ____/_\ ____/_\ __ /_\ _ /_\ __ /___\__/___\ | /
\____ ______\________\_______\__/______/ ____\__________________¦ /
/__/ /___/-bBå/aZb! :__/
latest news (jun 1998):
- "FLEA" 300k demo released at RUSHHOURS'98 won 3rd place
- 256 byte intro by ALN! won 1st place on RUSHHOURS'98
- SUPERFML won 2nd place in 4ch msx compo on RUSHHOURS'98
- X-CEED won 3rd place in 4ch msx compo on RUSHHOURS'98
- X-CEED won 1st place in multich compo on RUSHHOURS'98
- APPENDIX's WWW page has REBORN! <www.APPENDIX.optimus.wroc.pl>
- SLAYER joined as 2d graphician! good luck for him! :)
- TRASHHEAD is out the group.
- ENTER left MAWI and joined APPENDIX as coder!
- MAGIEL joined PIC SAINT LOUP as musician!
- APPENDIX's WWW page has new shorter adress: <APPENDIX.ml.org>
- MAG 666 left for commercial.
- X-CEED left.
- PSYCHO joined PIC SAINT LOUP as musician!
- first crack in aPPENDiX history > PKP'98 cracked by SACHY/aPX^SR^dXP
complete memberlist: [APPENDIX]
MADBART ............ sysop,raytracer,organizer (madbart@optimus.wroc.pl)
MADMAN ............. sysop of apx ftp (madman@optimus.wroc.pl)
RADAVI.............. sysop (radavi@xs2.xs4all.nl)
CERBER.............. sysop (cerber@key.net.pl)
PREFIX.............. trader (filipiuk@zt.szczecin.tpsa.pl)
CARSON.............. trader (carson@optimus.wroc.pl)
INFORMER............ coder (informer@optimus.wroc.pl)
SCOUT............... coder (kalms@dataphone.se)
ALN................. coder (aln@ii.uni.wroc.pl)
SACHY............... coder (sachy@delta.ds2.pg.gda.pl)
ENTER............... coder (random22@zsb.szczecin.pl)
JUDAS............... coder, editor (judas@optimus.wroc.pl)
NEUROMANCER ........ graphician
RAPPID.............. graphician
COOPER.............. graphician
JUMA................ graphician (juma@optimus.wroc.pl)
SLAYER.............. graphician
XTRO ............... raytracer
SPEEDIE............. raytracer
SYLWEK.............. raytracer, web masta (sylwekc@key.net.pl)
SUPERFML............ musician (superfml@optimus.wroc.pl)
VOICE .............. musician (commercial)
FLAPJACK............ musician,packmaker,co-org. (flapjack@optimus.wroc.pl)
BLAZE............... swapper
complete memberlist: [PIC SAINT LOUP^APPENDIX]
ADAMSOFT............ musician, organizer (adamsoft@optimus.wroc.pl)
SUPERFML............ musician (superfml@optimus.wroc.pl)
TRACKER............. musician
CLOO................ musician (cloo@inet.com.pl)
REVISQ.............. musician (revisq@hotmail.com)
BFA................. musician (bfa@termit.art.olsztyn.pl)
JAZZCAT............. musician
MAGIEL.aka.SICKMAN.. musician (magiel@amiga.org.pl)
PSYCHO.............. musician (psy-ssn@algonet.se)
QIX................. swapper (hamer@wsm.szczecin.pl)
already released productions:
AGONY - slide show - 1992
WAVE SOUNDS - music disk - 1992
FIREHOSE - intro - 1993 6th at POLISH AUTUMN'93
UNJUST SENTENCE - trackmo - 1994 4th at PRIMAVERA'94
40K INTRO - intro - 1994 INTEL OUTSIDE 1
PRIMAVERA PARTRO - partro - 1994
CONTAGION - trackmo - 1995 3rd at COMPUTER ART FESTIVAL'95
FA! PACK 01-19 - pack - 1995/96
INTEL INSIDE - intro - 1996
OOPS! - intro - 1996 1st at GRAVITY'96
ZERO GRAVITY - demo - 1996 1st at GRAVITY'96
UFU-S - video demo - 1996 1st at GRAVITY'96
GRAVITY - 4k intro - 1996 7th at GRAVITY'96
NAVEL - intro - 1997 1st at RUSH'97
MYSTIQUE - demo - 1997 2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
UFU-S v1.99 - video demo - 1996/97 2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
INTROKO - 4k intro - 1997
SPAWN - intro - 1997 1st at GRAVITY'97
PSYCHOL 09-12 - chip pack - 1997
CAPSULE - demo - 1997 2nd at ASTROSYN
UPN X - intro - 1997 4th at ASTROSYN
USELESS - 4k intro - 1997 2nd at ASTROSYN
DOLPHINARY - music disk - 1998
FLEA - demo - 1998 3rd at RUSHHOURS'98
MIDGE - 256b intro - 1998 1st at RUSHHOURS'98
PKP'98 - CRACK! - 1998 PKP'98 cracked!
you can call one of our boards:
THE SECT · WHQ · +48-91-879493 · MADBART
TRASH YARD · PHQ · +48-22-7248774 · TRASH HEAD
RADIOACTIVE · PHQ · +48-58-216107 · CERBER
PLUKWA FTP · PHQ · optimus.wroc.pl · MADMAN
WILDPALMS · NHQ · +31-30-6037959 · RADAVI
or: wildpalms.xs4all.nl (
and get linked with our web site:
APPENDIX on web · WWW · http://APPENDIX.ml.org ·
... ...
........: : .....: :
: :.... ...: :
_____:_______ ..: __ __ _______ _:_____ _:_
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|__|__| |___| |_____| |_____| |___| |_| : |_____|
: ......... :...az0!/l124
:............ : : :
: m a d b a r t : :........:
of dA aPPENDiX !
and tEKLORDS !
a.p.p.e.n.d.i.x whq > domination nightyeight > povvered by thesect!
.for any reasons or money support leave me the mess with some cash.
try to fakk with the best - it's simply thesect!
phone:+48-91-4879493...[night hours]...telnet:ask.me.on.irc.mate
:::: ::
:: ::::
: ::: :
:::: ::
:: ::::
: :
[node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet]
___ ___ _______ :____ : _______ ____ ___
_| _|_ __ | |___ _| __ | _| ___|__:_| __ |_| ___|_ _| _|_ __
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|__ ____|| __ ______| |_ |_| __ _________ ____ |
|_____| |____| |____| :|______| |____| |_______| |_____|
: : az0!/l124
[powered by amiga1240T/603e/240mhz/quantum 1.3gb/cdrom]
[nonstop supporters: jacobs - prefix.appendix - ziutek]
[master: madbart.appendix+teklords]
: :
!still third place in the world!
: :
...:.... :...
: · : :
: : · :
:..: .......:
: :
!still third place in the world!
: :
[appendix/whq] [anadune/whq] [teklords/phq] [floppy/phq] [link124/phq]
[dinx project/phq] [jormas/phq] [mawi/phq] [doggystyle/phq] [venus art/phq]
[psl/phq] [ozone free/phq]
___ ___ _______ :____ : _______ ____ ___
_| _|_ __ | |___ _| __ | _| ___|__:_| __ |_| ___|_ _| _|_ __
| _| |_| __ |_| | | |_______ | |_| _| |_
|__ ____|| __ ______| |_ |_| __ _________ ____ |
|_____| |____| |____| :|______| |____| |_______| |_____|
: : az0!/l124
[node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet]
: :
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: ::: :
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Contents of pix/trace/MAD-ST24.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 533972 698294 76.5% -lh5- a6cb Aug 7 1998 showtime_darkage.iff24
[generic] 1238 5068 24.4% -lh5- 3c1c May 18 1998 showtime_darkage.readme
[generic] 557299 721346 77.3% -lh5- be65 Aug 7 1998 showtime_showtime.iff24
[generic] 1238 5068 24.4% -lh5- 3c1c May 18 1998 showtime_showtime.readme
[generic] 552893 720260 76.8% -lh5- c6b4 Aug 7 1998 showtime_spaceballs.iff24
[generic] 1238 5068 24.4% -lh5- 3c1c May 18 1998 showtime_spaceballs.readme
[generic] 508 1155 44.0% -lh5- 962b May 18 1998 _dAsECT!
[generic] 511 2492 20.5% -lh5- 9a8b Jun 7 1998 _dAsECT!_
[generic] 522 1361 38.4% -lh5- e4b8 Aug 7 1998 _madbart
[generic] 273 482 56.6% -lh5- f3e8 Aug 7 1998 file_id.diz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 1649692 2160594 76.4% Aug 10 1998
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