84782 packages online
pix/trace/BullsEye_HAM.lha |
No screenshot available
Copy Right 1992 Randy R. Wall All rights reserved.
I raytraced this picture in Imagine 2.0. I used an altitude map on
the board as well as a color map. The dart is an object I made from a
set of darts I own. After rendering I loaded the image into Opal Paint
for some very minor touch-up of some jaggies for a sharper appearance.
Basically this is a rendering of my dartboard and a couple of my darts
stuck in it! wala! A BULLSEYE
This version was converted to HAM Interlace in ADPro for those without
the ability to view 24bit files.
Though there is a BULLSEYE.JPEG.LHA file out there somewhere? If you
can't find it and would like to see it, you can leave a message for me
at one of the BBS's below and I will upload it there for you, if its
not available there at the time?
If you have some neat IDEAS or would like me to produce graphics for
your software developement, multi-media projects or presentations
contact me and maybe we can make some arrangements that can make us
both happy.
CONTACT...... R.W. Illustrations or Randy Wall
13629 Yana Court
Magalia California 95954
BBS's where I can be reached daily:
DUCK OFF & FLY 916-899-9811 ( AMIGA SIG ) Randy Wall
INFORMATION SOCIETY 916-872-3711 ( AMIGA SIG ) The Illustrator
Contents of pix/trace/BullsEye_HAM.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 112145 127344 88.1% -lh5- 15b7 Apr 25 1993 BullsEye.HAMlace
[generic] 696 1458 47.7% -lh5- 804e Apr 25 1993 BullsEye.HAMlace.info
[generic] 1125 2322 48.4% -lh5- 9ae1 Apr 29 1993 READ_ME_BULLSEYE.ham
[generic] 603 1457 41.4% -lh5- db9b Apr 25 1993 READ_ME_BULLSEYE.ham.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 114569 132581 86.4% May 1 1993
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