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The first one is an 'update' to the Interplay-icon I designed-
it is now in NewIcon-format, the only serious icon-format avail-
able, *thanks* to Nicola Salmoria (package available in aminet),
because it did not look good on my wb/colour resolution.
This icon should look quite nice now in ANY wb-palette/depth.
If you don't have InterPlay, but a CD-ROM, then I strongly recommend
you try out this amazing CD-Player! :) (was recently on AS' CoverDisk)
The second one is for all Blitz2-fans (including me:-) ), which
I want to say a big hello at this point (esp. those on blitzlist).
The original image was taken from a Blitz-PD-disk.
Of course, also in newicon-format.
Important: If you want to use this icons, you have to install
the NewIcons-package first (it costs you only a click and some
seconds to install, so why wait?).
Legal: The icons are FreeWare. You may not change the Authorname
in the ToolTypes or sell it for your own profit, however you may
include them on a CD or disk-collection (which I would appreciate),
but then please send me a mail informing me that you do so.
I do not take any responsibility on whatever the icons do to your
equipment (do I really have to write this?), use at your own risk...
OTHER UPLOADS I made: only 1: a nice mod (JungleWalk.mod), recommended:)
COMING SOON: another mod (OctaMED): >> GlideOff <<, currently my BEST mod!
Contents of pix/nicon/2newicons.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4013 10974 36.6% -lh5- 9d79 Jan 8 1996 blitz2.info
[generic] 2348 4037 58.2% -lh5- 293e Jan 13 1996 Interplay.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 6361 15011 42.4% Jan 24 1996
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