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HTTP Resume - MWB 8 and 16 color icons
Author: u-ROSH tHA bEAUTY (kING/iNDUSTRY) 1998/99
What is this???
Well, this is an icon collection of HTTP Resume icons. I think that
the original icons for the program are very ugly, so I decided to make
my own ugly icons. Try it.
The Archive
The archive contains 10 icons. Some of them are in 8 colors and
some are in 16 colors of Magic Workbench Palette.
The Palette
The 8 color icons uses the standard 8 color palette, same as 16 color
icons. Check my system (mysys.png). You can use my palette from that
HTTP Resume?
HTTP Resume is a great program of Andrija Antonijevic. Download it
from Aminet or from his homepage. http://www.bigfoot.com/~TheAntony
The Author saw my icons and he said: "It's great!" ;)
Is it great?
Yes, it is.
Why not New Icons?
I don't like New Icons System. I think that it is similar to Win or
Mac system. Amiga is still Amiga, and good MWB icon is good MWB icon.
In previous version of HTTP Resume, some of my icons were included,
but they where not good scaled.
The Future
- Maybe the new style of icons?
- I hope that this icons will be included in the archive of new
version of HTTP Resume (1.5?). The author have my permision.
At the end
I think that icons can not may damage to your computer, if that
happens I'M NOT GUILTY :)
Contact, comments, ideas, bugs, requests, food:
EMAIL: tha_beauty@mailroom.com
SMAIL: Uros Lepota Nedeljkovic
Brace Jerkovic 145
11000 Beograd
Serbia, Yugoslavia
BBS: Underground! BBS
Every Night 22-07 CET
You (don't) like my icons? Contact me...
You have program, but you haven't icons? Contact me...
You wanna use my icons? Contact me...
Ideas for the next version? Contact me...
Nevermind? Just contact me...
--- Cut here ---
Andrija i ti bi mogao da se javis hehehehe!!!
--- Cut here ---
Lotsa greetings form Serbia...
Readme created with ARC 3.0 - Copyright (c)1996-98 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1606 686 57.2% 09-Jan-99 01:36:52 HTTPR_Icons.info
1606 737 54.1% 09-Jan-99 01:37:24 +Docs.info
2187 1366 37.5% 09-Jan-99 01:37:24 +HTTPResume16col.doc-1.info
2210 1312 40.6% 09-Jan-99 01:37:24 +HTTPResume16col.doc-2.info
1714 1193 30.3% 09-Jan-99 01:37:24 +HTTPResume8col.doc.info
2182 1255 42.4% 09-Jan-99 01:36:52 +HTTPResume16col-1.info
2182 1189 45.5% 09-Jan-99 01:36:52 +HTTPResume16col-2.info
1702 1158 31.9% 09-Jan-99 01:36:52 +HTTPResume8col.info
1606 894 44.3% 09-Jan-99 01:37:06 +Rexx.info
2187 1014 53.6% 09-Jan-99 01:37:06 +HTTPResume-Rexx1.info
2187 1188 45.6% 09-Jan-99 01:37:06 +HTTPResume-Rexx2.info
861 403 53.1% 09-Jan-99 01:36:14 Like_an_README.info
2370 1082 54.3% 09-Jan-99 01:46:38 like_an_readme.txt
28091 28061 0.1% 09-Jan-99 01:29:46 mysys.png
851 651 23.5% 09-Jan-99 01:36:14 MySys.png.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
53542 42189 21.2% 09-Jan-99 01:48:18 15 files
Operation successful.
Contents of pix/mwb/hricons1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 686 1606 42.7% -lh5- d976 Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons.info
[generic] 737 1606 45.9% -lh5- e18e Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/Docs.info
[generic] 1366 2187 62.5% -lh5- 06a2 Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/Docs/HTTPResume16col.doc-1.info
[generic] 1312 2210 59.4% -lh5- c27c Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/Docs/HTTPResume16col.doc-2.info
[generic] 1193 1714 69.6% -lh5- f51a Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/Docs/HTTPResume8col.doc.info
[generic] 1255 2182 57.5% -lh5- d583 Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/HTTPResume16col-1.info
[generic] 1189 2182 54.5% -lh5- 1b58 Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/HTTPResume16col-2.info
[generic] 1158 1702 68.0% -lh5- 8ef5 Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/HTTPResume8col.info
[generic] 894 1606 55.7% -lh5- 5596 Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/Rexx.info
[generic] 1014 2187 46.4% -lh5- 8837 Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/Rexx/HTTPResume-Rexx1.info
[generic] 1188 2187 54.3% -lh5- fc2f Jan 9 1999 HTTPR_Icons/Rexx/HTTPResume-Rexx2.info
[generic] 403 861 46.8% -lh5- 7030 Jan 9 1999 Like_an_README.info
[generic] 1082 2370 45.7% -lh5- 3519 Jan 9 1999 like_an_readme.txt
[generic] 28061 28091 99.9% -lh5- 8470 Jan 9 1999 mysys.png
[generic] 651 851 76.5% -lh5- 25cb Jan 9 1999 MySys.png.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 42189 53542 78.8% Jan 9 1999
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