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From: d0henke@dtek.chalmers.se (Henrik Engstr|m)
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.fractals
Subject: holox002.jpg (Part 0/5) Quaternion 4D-fractal rendered with POV-Ray [Index file]
Date: 21 Aug 1994 14:09:21 GMT
Organization: Chalmers University of Technology
Some new quaternion images. This is an index file for:
Holo0005.jpg - Top of the iceberg. Or maybe the Loch-Ness creature
Holo0006.jpg - First image of mirrored Julia sets.
Holo0007.jpg - Another mirrored Julia set.
Holo0008.jpg - This is interesting, take a look at Holo0007. Do You see
the half part of a face? I joined the two parts together
and it became the face of a little devil.
Henrik Engstrom
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg - Sweden
email: d0henke@dtek.chalmers.se
Contents of pix/fract/holox002.jpg
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