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Short:Crazy BootPics #3 by MadBart/Appendix^Teklords
Author: madbart at
Uploader:madbart jormas com
Download:pix/boot/mad-cbp3.lha - View contents

                    ...                                       ...
            ........: :                                  .....: :
            :         :....                           ...:      :
       _____:_______    ..:  __  __        _______   _:_____   _:_
  ___ |        ___  |___:___|  ||  |______|  ___  |_|   __  |__| _|_ __
  |  || |  __ |___|         __    __        |___|       ||_____    _| |_
  |     |_| |___|   ____     |____|     ______|   _____ |   ..|__      |
  |__|__|       |___|  |_____|    |_____|     |___|   |_|   :    |_____|
                  :                           .........     :...az0!/l124
                  :............               :       :        :
                              : m a d b a r t :       :........:

                        present: cRAZYbOOTPiCS #3 !

dA LiST: 

LSD2.iff                52356 - all by superfml
Atomik-kolloorrss.iff  243722 - mixed by superfml - original - fndr
LiGHT.IfF              249676 - all by madbart 
lSDpowa4.iFF           132216 - mixed by madbart - original - superfml
mADamigaPUPlogo.iff     90576 - mixed by madbart - original - phase5 www
bILLgATESkILLER.iFF     79828 - all by madbart
psb-kolors.IFF         268072 - all by asazel^szarik
FEMEL.IFF               91886 - all by superfml
LightMyFire.IFF         83754 - all by phase5 www
APXdomination.IFF       51852 - all by madbart
MSDOS.iff               26660 - mixed by madbart
LSD3.iff               139876 - all by superfml
lSDpowa1lof.iFF         50430 - mixed by madbart - original - superfml
bLiZZARd_as.IFF         90456 - mixed by madbart - original - phase5 www
LSD.iff                 32060 - all by superfml
AmiGoesPPC.IFF          68816 - mixed by madbart - original - phase5 www
Workbench85b.iff       262042 - all by ???
OS2.IFF                318098 - all by ???
quality.iff              9072 - all by juma
K_Makkk.IFF             57964 - all by madbart
lSDpowa3.iFF           127754 - mixed by madbart - original - superfml
HASH-enddd.iff          97836 - mixed by madbart - original - superfml
Atomik.iff             198310 - mixed by superfml - original - fndr
psb.IFF                 43062 - all by asazel^szarik
LSD4.iff                34178 - all by superfml
kurwamac.iff            24488 - all by superfml

............................... that's all folkz in thiz issue ! 
                                i think you're enjoyed those psycho
                                boot pics.... :) 

 _\ _____ ____ ___ __ _                     a p p e n d i x      .____
   \________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________   ____   ____!   /_
   _\  __  /_\  ____/_\  ____/_\  __  /_\   _  /_\  __  /___\__/___\   |    /
   \____   ______\________\_______\__/______/   ____\__________________¦   /
      /__/                                /___/-bBå/aZb!               :__/

 latest news (feb 1998):
 - CAPSULE demo released at Astrosyn won 2nd place
 - UPN'X 64k intro released at Astrosyn won 4th place
 - USELESS 4k intro released won 2nd place
 - SUPERFML won 3rd place in multichannel music
 - BFA joined PICSAINTLOUP, APX music division!
 - JACOBS and ZIUTEK left the modem scene... :(
 - SUNDANCE kicked due to many reasons
 - DOLPHINARY - PSL^APX+VAD music disk released

 complete memberlist: [APPENDIX]
MADBART ............ sysop,trader,raytracer,organizer (
TRASH HEAD ......... sysop                            
MADMAN ............. sysop of apx ftp        (
RADAVI.............. sysop                          (
CERBER.............. sysop                             (
PREFIX.............. trader                 (
CARSON.............. trader                  (
INFORMER............ coder                 (
SCOUT............... coder                            (
ALN................. coder                            (
SACHY............... coder                     (
JUDAS............... coder, editor            (
NEUROMANCER ........ graphician 
RAPPID.............. graphician    
COOPER.............. graphician  
JUMA................ graphician
MAG 666............. raytracer
XTRO ............... raytracer
SPEEDIE............. raytracer
SYLWEK.............. raytracer, web masta             (
SUPERFML............ musician              (
X-CEED.............. musician                        (
VOICE .............. musician (commercial)   
FLAPJACK............ musician,packmaker,co-organizer
BLAZE............... swapper
 complete memberlist: [PIC SAINT LOUP^APPENDIX]

ADAMSOFT............ musician, organizer   (
SUPERFML............ musician              (
TRACKER............. musician
CLOO................ musician                           (
REVISQ.............. musician                         (
BFA................. musician                  (
JAZZCAT............. musician  
QIX................. swapper                       (

 already released productions:
 AGONY            - slide show - 1992                                 
 WAVE SOUNDS      - music disk - 1992                                 
 FIREHOSE         - intro      - 1993    6th at POLISH AUTUMN'93                             
 UNJUST SENTENCE  - trackmo    - 1994    4th at PRIMAVERA'94 
 40K INTRO        - intro      - 1994    INTEL OUTSIDE 1
 PRIMAVERA PARTRO - partro     - 1994                               
 CONTAGION        - trackmo    - 1995    3rd at COMPUTER ART FESTIVAL'95  
 FA! PACK 01-19   - pack       - 1995/96                              
 INTEL INSIDE     - intro      - 1996                               
 OOPS!            - intro      - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96           
 ZERO GRAVITY     - demo       - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96                         
 UFU-S            - video demo - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96                                                                            
 GRAVITY          - 4k intro   - 1996    7th at GRAVITY'96
 NAVEL            - intro      - 1997    1st at RUSH'97 
 MYSTIQUE         - demo       - 1997    2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
 UFU-S v1.99      - video demo - 1996/97 2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
 INTROKO          - 4k intro   - 1997    
 SPAWN            - intro      - 1997    1st at GRAVITY'97
 PSYCHOL 09-12    - chip pack  - 1997     
 CAPSULE          - demo       - 1997    2nd at ASTROSYN
 UPN X            - intro      - 1997    4th at ASTROSYN  
 USELESS          - 4k intro   - 1997    2nd at ASTROSYN     
 DOLPHINARY       - music disk - 1998    

 you can call one of our boards:
 THE SECT        · WHQ · +48-91-879493   · MADBART   
 TRASH YARD      · PHQ · +48-22-7248774  · TRASH HEAD
 RADIOACTIVE     · PHQ · +48-58-216107   · CERBER
 WILDPALMS       · NHQ · +31-30-6037959  · RADAVI
 or: (

                                  ::::   ::
                                  ::   ::::
                                  :  :::  :
                                  ::::   ::
                                  ::   ::::
                                  :       :
           [node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet]
   ___       ___        _______   :____   :  _______   ____     ___
  _| _|_ __ |   |___  _|   __  | _| ___|__:_|   __  |_| ___|_  _| _|_ __
  |    _| |_|  __   |_|     |  | |_______        |           |_|    _| |_
  |__      ____||    __  ______| |_   |_| __  _________       ____      |
     |_____|    |____| |____|     :|______| |____|    |_______|   |_____|
                                  :       :                     az0!/l124
         [powered by amiga1200T/030/882/50mhz/quantum 1.3gb/cdrom]
 [non stop supporters: jacobs.appendix - prefix.appendix - ziutek.appendix]
      [demon.cyber freaks - master: madbart.appendix+anadune+teklords]
                                  :       :
                      !still third place in the world!
                                  :       :
                               ...:....   :...
                               :  ·       :  :
                               :  :       ·  :
                               :..:   .......:
                                  :       :
                      !still third place in the world!
                                  :       :
   [anadune/whq] [appendix/whq] [teklords/phq] [floppy/phq] [link124/phq]
 [dinx project/phq] [jormas/phq] [mawi/phq] [doggystyle/phq] [venus art/phq]
                         [psl/phq] [ozone free/phq]
   ___       ___        _______   :____   :  _______   ____     ___
  _| _|_ __ |   |___  _|   __  | _| ___|__:_|   __  |_| ___|_  _| _|_ __
  |    _| |_|  __   |_|     |  | |_______        |           |_|    _| |_
  |__      ____||    __  ______| |_   |_| __  _________       ____      |
     |_____|    |____| |____|     :|______| |____|    |_______|   |_____|
                                  :       :                     az0!/l124
          [node0: +48-91-4879-493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet]
                                  :       :
                                  ::   ::::
                                  ::::   ::
                                  :  :::  :
                                  ::   ::::
                                  ::::   ::

Contents of pix/boot/mad-cbp3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                53896   68816  78.3% -lh5- 1e54 Nov  4  1997 AmiGoesPPC.IFF
[generic]                39689   51852  76.5% -lh5- 1e8e Oct 30  1997 APXdomination.IFF
[generic]               191458  243722  78.6% -lh5- f59c Oct 15  1997 Atomik-kolloorrss.iff
[generic]               143750  198310  72.5% -lh5- bb8f Oct 15  1997 Atomik.iff
[generic]                64730   79828  81.1% -lh5- 4eb9 Jun  4  1997 bILLgATESkILLER.iFF
[generic]                69537   90456  76.9% -lh5- e532 May 14  1997 bLiZZARd_as.IFF
[generic]                66209   91886  72.1% -lh5- 7a2f Oct 31  1997 femel.iff
[generic]                71350   97836  72.9% -lh5- 73f4 Oct  3  1997 HASH-enddd.iff
[generic]                47408   57964  81.8% -lh5- df7f Nov  3  1997 K_Makkk.IFF
[generic]                 9608   24488  39.2% -lh5- 1b7f Jan 10  1998 kurwamac.iff
[generic]               199911  249676  80.1% -lh5- 6841 Oct 29  1997 LiGHT.IfF
[generic]                38935   83754  46.5% -lh5- b0e4 Jan  4  1998 LightMyFire.IFF
[generic]                18341   32060  57.2% -lh5- 8465 Sep 25  1997 LSD.iff
[generic]                37163   52356  71.0% -lh5- 000a Sep 25  1997 LSD2.iff
[generic]               102438  139876  73.2% -lh5- 8b8b Sep 25  1997 LSD3.iff
[generic]                25370   34178  74.2% -lh5- 13d8 Sep 25  1997 LSD4.iff
[generic]                34520   50430  68.5% -lh5- fcee Sep 25  1997 lSDpowa1lof.iFF
[generic]               104067  127754  81.5% -lh5- 279c Sep 25  1997 lSDpowa3.iFF
[generic]               107054  132216  81.0% -lh5- 887f Sep 25  1997 lSDpowa4.iFF
[generic]                55590   90576  61.4% -lh5- a65b Jun 19  1997 mADamigaPUPlogo.iff
[generic]                14470   26660  54.3% -lh5- 5da3 Oct 23  1997 MSDOS.iff
[generic]               278925  318098  87.7% -lh5- 59c1 Nov 12  1997 os2.iff
[generic]               218659  268072  81.6% -lh5- d719 Nov  5  1997 psb-kolors.IFF
[generic]                18870   43062  43.8% -lh5- 3975 Nov  5  1997 psb.IFF
[generic]                 2302    9072  25.4% -lh5- 9e0b Oct 28  1997 quality.iff
[generic]               230202  262042  87.8% -lh5- 6dc0 Nov 12  1997 Workbench85b.iff
[generic]                 2892    9710  29.8% -lh5- e302 Jan 15  1998 mad-cbp3.txt
[generic]                  157     248  63.3% -lh5- 0cef Jan 15  1998 file_id.diz
[generic]                  474    1128  42.0% -lh5- 5ff6 Jan 19  1998 tHEsECT!.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        29 files 2247975 2936126  76.6%            Apr 30  1998
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