drn! .................................... /\t
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_ _/ / l/__\( ._ ./ ___ _ /(
.-------- )_ __ \----)__ / ___ l/ ____l\ / ------\//
| )---( )----\ )----( )----( )---( /|
__|__. .. . |
|.. | ||_ (. freak's the name ·) |: _|
|: __|___________|:/_________________________________||_____________\: _
`-----' ________________________________________________________________\
fREAK! of MaD_ViRGiN
HiTS Ya WiTH aNoTHeR FiNe ReLeaSe
a PiXeL NaMeD:
' Z i N K o - $ T i N K $ '
Hi 2 all U outThere in 'normal' world... here's fREAK
and this is another my pixel done for a one stinky
hour in a one stinky day and in a one stinky country!
This pixel was inspired by a stinky sysop called
ZiNKO! ... long live stinky ZiNKO and his stinky friends!
Feel free to use this stinky picture wherever you want!
If you want to contact this silly head try doing
that on :
That's all for now! cu U soon with another r3l3@$3!
Greetz goes to:
cP!, drn!, spot, h7... n0pe_dope, CoRRoSioN members,
JUiCe members, iNDUSTRY members, TEG! members,
norge, radavi, dixy, fate, fletch, noah, kuku-lele,
mr_W, nVM members, teorist, Solim, CHETNIK, Zheljko,
and all others peoplez on the scene...!!!