This is a new version of a different external "Martin Walker" replay for
EaglePlayer 1.54/2.00+. It's a player for all known Amiga Martin Walker
Version 1
- Analyzer
- Voices
- Volume
- SampleInfo with SampleSaver (EP 2.00+ only)
- Balance
- SongEnd
- ModuleInfo with Position Counter
- SubSong
- as a bonus, included is an EagleRipper for Martin Walker modules (all formats)
Version 2
- changed Analyzer code
- replaced all original DBF wait loop routines with scanline wait routines,
now all Martin Walker mods are correctly playable on all (?) Amiga configs
- added an Amplifier version (EP 2.00+ only)
1. This player plays all formats of Martin Walker Amiga modules and even
some modules with incomplete replays (ripped with Exotic Ripper),
but it is always better to use modules that contain the complete
replay code.
2. Because Exotic Ripper has a very poor rip routine for Martin Walker
(aka Activision Pro) modules, it is best to re-rip all Martin Walker
modules with the included ripper.
3. The included ripper for Martin Walker modules only rips complete
modules and can not create good modules from incompletely ripped
4. Now you can choose your preferred player version for use with EP 2.00+.
The sound output of the Amplifier version in Fast RAM Amplifier mode
is sometimes very poor. I'm not sure why but perhaps it is another EP2
bug. Sources for both player versions are available on the WT page.
5. You can get the latest versions of Wanted Team products from:
Special greetings go to
- Jan Krolzig for betatesting