84782 packages online
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r a v e n e t w o r k o v e r s c a n r e c o r d s
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h t t p : / / w w w . r n o - r e c o r d s . c o m
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--- [i]NTRODUCTiON & NEWS ------|___________|--------------------------------
Cie is back with a new track on RNO. Nice dNb track for
theese gray autum nights.
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--- [i]NFO DESK ----------------|___________|--------------------------------
r e l e a s e n o o81
t i t l e waterwaves
a r t i s t cie
s i z e 6363kb
t i m e 6'37
t y p e mp3
c o v e r d e s i g n silent geezus
c o m m e n t Fresh drum'n bass track that fits
just as good for dancing as for just
chillin' out. I recomend the last ;)
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--- [H]OW TO PLAY 'EM? ---------|___________|--------------------------------
If you use AMIGA, please use players like HIPPOPLAYER, APLAYER,
DELITRACKER or similar software. For PC users I advice you to ALLWAYS
use the LATEST version of MODPLUG, probably the BEST MODULE PLAYER
EVER for the PC. Please DO NOT USE WINAMP at any module playing.
WINAMP is GREAT for mp3, but not for mods ;) You can find links to
all these programs on our homepage at http://www.rno-records.com
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--- [W]HERE TO GET 'EM? --------|___________|--------------------------------
The most easy thing to do is to visit http://www.rno-records.com where
all the releases will be at all times. All releases are downable at:
AMINET - (pub/mods/misc & pub/mods/mpg)
sCENE.ORG - (pub/music/groups/rno)
We also have a mailing list available for signup at rno-records.com,where
you can choose between "receiving module-releases directly into your Emailbox,
or receiving a link to the latest release.(mp3s are not sent directly,only mods)
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--- [M]ASTER and SERVANTS ------|___________|--------------------------------
o r g a n i z e tFt
s o u n d kURE
s o u n d ROZ
s o u n d TANG
s o u n d ZUBSPACE
s o u n d CIE
s o u n d XHAUST
s o u n d hABIT
s o u n d dEEQ
s o u n d lEmAR
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--- [G]UEST STARS --------------|___________|--------------------------------
pOw/PoiseRec | Distance/Tpolm milk | Phono | Xhale/Theralite dCs
Hannu Karpo | Zany | Tarmslyng/LooniesRec | Uranus Cancelled
FarFar/LooniesRec | Talonmies | Lcr/Reason | Spektra/BohemaRec
Jipsu | Krii | substance/mawi+voodoo
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--- [H]iSTORY ------------------|___________|--------------------------------
2002 a.d. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rno-r068.zip | roz - all night long 5172k | feb/08/2002
rno-r069.zip | habit - burried in conctrete 6458k | feb/19/2002
rno-r070.zip | farfar/loonies - relational keys 543k | mar/01/2002
rno-r071.zip | deeq - sieni device 7222k | mar/15/2002
rno-r072.zip | cie - view on the earth 5371k | mar/23/2002
rno-r073.zip | jipsu - spacewindow 5227k | apr/13/2002
rno-r074.zip | krii - cold chambers 8626k | apr/20/2002
rno-r075.zip | xhaust - concrete shoes 352k | apr/23/2002
rno-r076.zip | cie - touched the hand of god 4723k | jul/03/2002
rno-r077.zip | habit - ritual of the habitual 4991k | jul/09/2002
rno-r078.zip | substance - fear 5740k | aug/16/2002
rno-r079.zip | cie - ultraflight 5902k | sep/29/2002
rno-r080.zip | aava - Ajatus(Thoughts Mix by kure) 6411k | oct/03/2002
rno-r081.zip | cie - waterwaves 6343k | oct/23/2002
2001 a.d. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rno-r054.zip | earthstar - space nature 5232k | jan/22/2001
rno-r055.zip | lcr - kewl skunk 205k | jan/31/2001
rno-r056.zip | roz - ye should 135k | feb/09/2001
rno-r057.zip | tang - too cheezy to be easy EP 251k | mar/04/2001
rno-r058.zip | farfar - imba2ent 45 8z210 11243k | mar/07/2001
rno-r059.zip | kure - grey them poksers 765k | apr/04/2001
rno-r060.zip | habit - irony 5226k | may/22/2001
rno-r061.zip | spektra - epsilon Seeve 410secs 230k | may/24/2001
rno-r062.zip | habit - chaos exists 7003k | jul/07/2001
rno-r063.zip | tang - walk on by 193k | jul/15/2001
rno-r064.zip | tang - virvonvarvon 142k | oct/07/2001
rno-r065.zip | habit - i could stop if i wanted to 7662k | nov/12/2001
rno-r066.zip | cie - zitronenfalter 4879k | nov/28/2001
rno-r067.zip | habit - get down now 5210k | dec/18/2001
2000 a.d. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rno-l021.zip | uranus canc - between alprox&miaxan 5458k | jan/09/2000
rno-l022.zip | matrixx - headphonefunk 1688k | jan/19/2000
rno-l023.zip | tang - amanita 138k | jan/30/2000
rno-l024.zip | roz - last rock 186k | jan/31/2000
rno-l025.zip | cie - wolkenlos 5861k | feb/04/2000
rno-l026.zip | kure - i biz ya 849k | feb/17/2000
| kure - right to be | feb/17/2000
rno-l027.zip | tang - gimme drugs 160k | feb/21/2000
rno-l028.zip | zubspace & zany - azidream 1467k | feb/24/2000
rno-l029.zip | roz - jarkko matto EP 235k | mar/14/2000
rno-l030.zip | farfar - native initation 4034k | mar/20/2000
rno-l031.zip | tang - electric shaman 93k | apr/03/2000
rno-l032.zip | kure - emplant 263k | apr/05/2000
rno-l033.zip | tang - dirtbay" 486k | apr/12/2000
| roz - kool jamz | apr/12/2000
rno-l034.zip | zubspace - life 2830k | may/01/2000
rno-l035.zip | habit - turn of the screw 2915k | may/10/2000
rno-l036.zip | kure - tiina 387k | may/20/2000
rno-l037.zip | phono - listen for oscillations 10598k | jun/01/2000
rno-l038.zip | tang - driving away 233k | jun/03/2000
rno-l039.zip | cie - see genezareth 5808k | jun/15/2000
rno-l040.zip | habit - oscillators of fury 4425k | jun/30/2000
rno-r041.zip | roz - lightstick man 345k | jul/01/2000
rno-r042.zip | talonmies - talon urat 75k | jul/18/2000
rno-r043.zip | tang - inveigled 87k | jul/26/2000
rno-r044.zip | matrixx - meph jones 763k | aug/01/2000
rno-r045.zip | kure & stefan - gaiyans 573k | sep/06/2000
rno-r046.zip | farfar - notion of knowing 3377k | sep/14/2000
rno-r047.zip | habit - 420 4050k | sep/19/2000
rno-r048.zip | roz - deezhey 309k | oct/03/2000
rno-r049.zip | tarmslyng - a box 4 your foot 1958k | oct/16/2000
rno-r050.zip | rno - halfway 2 hundred 12453k | oct/24/2000
rno-r051.zip | xhaust - moving forward 2100.AD 953k | nov/15/2000
rno-r052.zip | tang - exceed & gibberish 220k | dec/02/2000
rno-ro53.zip | farfar - anders 3345k | dec/17/2000
1999 a.d. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rno-l001.lha | roz - hows oph joy 545k | sep/09/1999
rno-l002.lha | pow - melting pot 635k | sep/16/1999
rno-l003.lha | kure - headswitch 434k | sep/28/1999
rno-l004.lha | roz - leak EP 811k | sep/15/1999
rno-l005.lha | cie - krank 282k | sep/30/1999
| cie - reeturner | sep/30/1999
rno-l006.lha | distance - somber 204k | oct/06/1999
rno-l007.lha | tang - feek the nite 229k | oct/13/1999
rno-l008.lha | kure - snakes 364k | oct/20/1999
rno-l009.zip | roz - drug-x 184k | oct/24/1999
rno-l010.zip | cie - forward 4984k | oct/27/1999
rno-l011.zip | phono - we are elek-tron-ik 10100k | nov/01/1999
rno-l012.zip | tang - naullakko 142k | nov/05/1999
rno-l013.zip | zubspace - after hours 947k | nov/13/1999
rno-l014.zip | xhale - kafe soda 498k | nov/24/1999
rno-l015.zip | hannu karpo - amkara 1245k | dec/01/1999
rno-l016.zip | tarmslyng - binary relations 404k | dec/09/1999
rno-l017.zip | roz - hype rankin 571k | dec/21/1999
rno-l018.zip | tang - haggled 213k | dec/23/1999
rno-l019.zip | zubspace - psycotic manism 7360k | dec/28/1999
rno-l020.zip | roz&tang&kure - music sounds better 1228k | dec/31/1999
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--- [D]iSTRiBUTiON SiTES -------|___________|--------------------------------
AMINET - mods/misc & mods/mpg main.aminet.net
SCENE.ORG - music/groups/rno ftp.scene.org
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--- [C]oPYRIGHT ----------------|___________|--------------------------------
copyright [c]1999-2K2 rnorecords posse. textfile by silentgeezus/bohema
Contents of mods/mpg/rno-r081.mpg
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban
Müller and the Aminet team.
Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net> |