*** NAME: Shades Custom Module v1.31
*** AUTHOR: Original replay + music by ???
*** (The original C64 tune (c) Chris Hüelsbeck)
*** Resourced and Deli-adapted by [·M·n·O·] (Lasse Jari Hansen).
*** E-MAIL: ljh@sigma.ou.dk
*** VERSION: 19-Nov-96 : 1. Aminet release
*** 17-Nov-96 : Added CacheClearU()
*** 17-Oct-96 : Deli-adaption
*** 92 : Resourcing and Stinger-adaption
*** INFO: Originally used in an OLD Prologic intro (I think...).
*** Deli-release handles volume.
*** Source released for educational purposes.
*** Feel free to contact me for bug reports or help.
*** This is freely distributable: you can do with it
*** what you want - as long as you e-mail me the changes!