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Short:A new tune by DJ Hotcakes...
Author:DJ Hotcakes (Toby Zuijdveld)
Uploader:hoss satech net au (Ian Hoskins)
Download:mods/hardc/Hush.lha - View contents

        Something Wicked This Way Comes!

        Another remix by yours truly, a little loud, a little hard, a little
happy.  I found myself an ooold `The Carpenters' version of this tune on
record, so I may have to produce an alternative remix later on.  But for
now you're stuck with this one.

Tek speks:
Format          :       MED
Size            :       849416 bytes
Length          :       7+ minutes

Greets to all I know in RST and iA!

Here are listed all my tunes.  Only the ones I consider to be decent are in

Module Name                     Filename        Module type   Label
Adnauseum                       Adnauseam.MED   MEDule        RESISTANCE
        Adnauseam 1/2.
Adnauseam 2                     mod.beep        MODule        RESISTANCE
        Adnauseam 2/2.
Agoraphobia                     Agoraphobia     MEDule        RESISTANCE
        So good I got invited to join Interactive!
Be Happy                        BeHappy         OctaMEDule    RESISTANCE
        My first released 8 channel medule.
Bondage And Whipped Cream       BandWC.mod      MODule        RESISTANCE
        My first really decent tune.  As heard on radio ;)
Ch-ch-ch                        Ch-ch-ch        MEDule        Interactive
        A remix of Manhattan Transfers' Chanson D'Amour.
Dance Alf Dance                 mod.DAD         MODule        RESISTANCE
        A dancemix of the Alf theme.  Luv-er-ly.
*Flowers In The Forest          Flowers.mod     MEDule        RESISTANCE
        A remix of a Skid Row tro.
*It's Fantastic            ItsFantastic.95REMIX MEDule        RESISTANCE
        A remix of someone else's remix of It's Fantastic.  Very loud ;)
*The Big Mixes 1-5              TheBigMix#?     MEDule        RESISTANCE
        Want to hear the best mods out there, mixed together?
Two Timez Ninety                Hardeharhar     MEDule        Interactive
        Cool 180BPM raver along the lines of 168 Let's Go! and, urr...
Old Angsomething            _Old_Angsomething_  MEDule        RESISTANCE
        A short remix of that tune.  What's it name?
Overdose                        OvErDøSe.mod    MODule        RESISTANCE
        A remix of one of U4IA's tunes.  Still a classic.
Song                            Song            MEDule        Interactive
        More trancey sorta stuff.  Maybe.
Spaced                          _S_p_a_c_e_d_   MEDule        RESISTANCE
The Song With No Name       TheSongWithNoName   Multi-MEDule  Interactive
        My first tune for iA.  Hardtrancey.  Yaaay.
Weirdness Got The Boy           mod.WeirdGOTBOY MEDule        RESISTANCE
        It even reminded a few people of Pacman.  It's beyond me.
Yakked                          Yakked          MEDule        RESISTANCE
        A version of that American theme...  In 6/4 Hardcore style ;)
Young                        MEDule        RESISTANCE
        A remix of Slice's remix of Forever Young.  The bass is a bit off :)

Module Name                     Filename        Module type   Label
Chuck Rock 2 Level 2 Theme      mod.ChuckII-2   MEDule        RESISTANCE
        Just another channel of melody and echos and stuff.  Even nicer.
*Muddish Thingy                 MudThing.mod    MODule        RESISTANCE
        Yeh.  Banjo at it's worst :)
Sorrow                          Sorrow.mod      MODule        RESISTANCE
        Another piano tune...  Still quite nice...

Module Name                     Filename    Original Module type      Now
000BFABC                        000BFABC        Whittaker       Multi-MEDule
        Taken from the castle level on Shadow Of The Beast.
168 Let's Go                    168Let'sGo      Tape                  MEDule
        As found on Strictly Techno CD.
Character Generation            CharGen.MD1     SMUS                  MEDule
        As found on the character generation screen on Eye Of The Beholder.
Finale                          Finale.MD1      SMUS                  MEDule
        As found on the extro to Eye Of The Beholder.
Here's Johnny                   HeresJonny!     Tape                  MEDule
        That goddamned popular hardcore (!) track.  Good conversion tho.
*Hero                           HERO.MED        Vectordean      Multi-MEDule
        As found on the intro to Sensible World Of Soccer 95-96.
Menu Music                      MMUS.MED        Vectordean      Multi-MEDule
        As found on the menus to Sensible World Of Golf.
New Intro                       NewIntro1.MD1   SMUS                  MEDule
        As found on the intro to Eye Of The Beholder.
*Unnamed 1                      Unnamed1.MED    Tape                  MEDule
        Unnamed 2 was too big so I killed it before release.
Unnamed 4                       Unnamed4.MED    Tape                  MEDule
        Unnamed 3 was too big so I killed it before release.

Plus all the Lemming 2 and 3 and Hired Guns tunes I have converted to
ProTracker for all the IBuMmers out there.  Besides, I wanted to play em in
Blitz 2, which doesn't support CIA MED timings.  (#@$^*&!)

You want to contact me for any reason?  Just send an EMail to the uploader
address at the top of this file.  But make sure you address it to me, as it's
not my account...

Well, that should just about do it this time.  CATchas in my next release!

Contents of mods/hardc/Hush.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               661358  849416  77.9% -lh5- 91c0 Apr 22  1991    Hush!
[generic]                 2093    4720  44.3% -lh5- 2724 Apr 22  1991 Hush.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         2 files  663451  854136  77.7%            Apr 18  1997
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