Important: This program was previously named 'Lynx' but this name already
exists, it's the name of a famous World Wide Web browser.
I have therefore decided to rename the program as 'AiPS'.
Before installing 'AiPS', you have to delete all the files
relative to 'Lynx'. Sorry for the inconvenience.
"Amiga image Processing System"
version 1.01ß
Copyright 1993, 1995 Stephane Poirier
Released june 1995
This is the first public beta-release of AiPS.
What is AiPS ?
It's an image processing package. Yet another ? Not exactly. AiPS is
significantly different than others images processing packages availables
for the Amiga.
For example, It can do the Fourier transformation and works in the frequency
domain of the images.
It's the first one (I think !) which be able to work on 16 bits per pixel
(per channel) images, that gives 65536 gray levels !
The main purpose of AiPS is scientific and it is able to process images in
many domains: Astronomy, physics, archeology...
AiPS can also execute some subjectives processes such as image composition,
solarize effect, oil painting...
There are two versions: 8bits and 16bits. The first one is rather designed
for subjective processing, while the second is rather for "serious" image
processing !
Why ?
In the beginning I would process some astronomical images that I had
released with a CCD camera, but there wasn't any software on the Amiga
able to perform some processes such as FFT transform, Gaussian filters,
profile extraction and many others. So I'd decided to make my own program.
-AiPS can load and process as many images as possible (multiples buffers)
-Up to 256 slices (channels) per image.
-Add, delete, move slices between image buffers (stacks).
o Read the following images formats:
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System).
IFF 1-8 bitplans, IFF24.
AiPS (own format).
o Write the following images formats:
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System).
IFF 2-8 bitplans, IFF24, HAM 6 ou 8.
AiPS (own format).
Image Processing
o Spatial domain:
Convolutions Matrix 3x3 & 5x5
Median filter (with control of efficiency and matrix design)
Minimum, maximum filters
Arithmetics operations
Histogram Equalisation
Geometricals operations (Scale, Translate, Rotate, Dimensions)
Pixels corrections
o Spectral domain:
Fast Fourier Transform
Deconvolution (Wiener filter)
Filtering (Low-Pass, Band-Pass, High-pass, Gauss, Butterworth,
Image analysis
Pixel values
Profiles extractions
Photometric mesurements
Pseudo-color for monochromatic visualization.
True-color in 16-256 colors, HAM6 (old machines), HAM8 (AGA machines)
ARexx port.
Images composition
Color model transformations (RBG <-> HSV)
Transcoding for visualization
The current version of AiPS is a beta-version, so it might be some bugs
left, and some (very few) functions aren't implanted yet.
At this moment, only the french documentation is available, but an english
documentation will be available soon.
AiPS is developped on:
- A500 with PPS 040
- A4000/040
Sucessfully tested on:
- A4000/040
- A1200 with/without FAST ram, coprocessor, accelerator card.
- A3000
- A500+
AiPS works on any Amigas with Workbench 2.04+ installed. It takes care
of installed chipset (OCS/ECS, AGA).
It needs the reqtools.library which is not included here.
If you have Workbench 2.1+, AiPS will be localized (french and english
If you have any problems, get in touch (addresses in main documentation).