Just to end(?) this contest "Who writes the fastest Sieve of Eratosthenes"
Tatahh ! Here comes .... YetAnotherSieve
(the fastest prime-number computer
at this time)
On my system (A4k40+FPU+MMU,25 MHz, 16 MB RAM) it tests primes upto 240.000.000
in 323 seconds ! (10.000.000 in about 11 seconds, 2.000.000 in less than 2 seconds)
The time cost ist about O(n*1.1) = O(n), this means, if the Programm calcs to a
10 times higher Number, the Program needs 11 times longer. The Program needs about
Number DIV 16 Bytes Memory.
So this Implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes is about 3 times faster, needs
only 1/16 of RAM, and has only 1/3 the size of the similar Program YAcalcprimes.
DISPLAY : Display all the primes until NUMBER
TEST : FAST Prime test for NUMBER
YAcalcPrimes is completely written in *pure* Amiga C. The amiga version is
compiled with SAS/C 6.57
This Program runs on every Amiga with Kick 2.0
The source ain't nevertheless available (YET). I WILL NOT *sell*, but publish it
later for free. If you are interested contact me: allenbrand@nucleus.fr
It is strictly ALLOWED to produce any YASieve-like program without
my permission :). (But who really cares about it ? Proggis like these are`n
usefull to factorise LARGE numbers (i.e. 100 or more digits), so why bother.
Try KillPrime on Aminet instead.
This readme is just a 1 minute copy draft. :)
If you have questions drop me a mail.
Hellos and Greetings going out to: - everyone, who´s able to code a at least 20%
faster Version of Eratothenes´s Sieve
(according to Big-o Notation)
- those guys, which prefer a REAL 32 Bit (or
even 64 ??) Maschine
Aetschi-Baetschis and Buuhs going out to: - nobody
- or those guys, which are proud
to cope with a 64K or 640K
Barrier on Systems without an OS.