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Short:GPIB-Data acquisition & graphic.analysis
Author: werner.mayr at (Dr.Werner Mayr)
Uploader:werner mayr univie ac at (Dr Werner Mayr)
Download:misc/math/PolyLab20.0.lha - View contents

Requires: OS1.3 or higher, minimum 1.5 MB RAM
Version:  V2.0.0


Here is a list of the main features of the programs PolyGraph, PolyMeas and
PriDat Version 2.0.0 to let you see at a glance what it can do for you.

 |> Scientific laboratory program for easy/complex data acquisition

 |> Measurement of data from IEEE-488 (commercial version) and serial port

 |> Graphical display of incoming data fully automatized

 |> Measurement process (PolyMeas) runs independent of analysis and
    graphics display process (PolyGraph) and diagram printing (PriDat)

 |> Simultaneous processes such as measurement and laboratory device control,
    data analysis, graphical data editing and high quality diagram prin-
    ting possible without restrictions

 |> Direct graphical data editing (including insertion, deletion, mani-
    pulation) with coordinates display and possibility to change numbers
    by value or by dragging them by mouse

 |> Easy switching between and display of multiple data fields

 |> Data can be displayed as points and/or interpolated curves

 |> Easy switching between linear or logarithmic scales

 |> Automatic scaling function rescales diagram to display all incoming data
    (from measurement window: PolyMeas) if necessary

 |> High quality diagram printing during measurement in the background

 |> Calculation of complicated formulas including measured data points
    directly visible in the graphics display

 |> 18 mathematical and 18 scientific functions (bessel functions, gamma
    function, exponential integrals, elliptic integrals, fresnel integrals,
    etc.) included in the "polymath.library"

 |> PolyGraph can be used as simple function plotter

 |> Directly visible mathematical operations on the data: numeric integration
    and derivation, smoothing, interpolation, polynomial, lorentz and
    formula fit, standard deviation, fast fourier transformation and kramers-
    kronig analysis (used in physics)

 |> Numerous actions for display manipulation: zooming (with mouse), re-
    scaling new diagram limits, redrawing, freezing of points or curves in
    display, legends and axis description manipulation

 |> Narrator (speak output) for additional informations included

 |> Easy deletion of wrong data using zoom box or field indices

 |> Colors for data points or curves adjustable

 |> Several windows with special possibilities: calculation window, formula
    window (mathematical operations between different data files including
    automatic interpolation), measurement window (PolyMeas), results window
    for coefficients display, help window and data file header window

 |> Multiple PolyGraph programs with independent diagram windows allowed

 |> Full featured ARexx port capable of 70 commands controlling PolyGraph &

 |> Easy start/stop-measurement feature simulating an XY-plotter for quick
    data acquisition

 |> Complex measurement tasks possible over extended start/stop-features
    or ARexx-scripts (examples included)

 |> Multiple measurements on different scientific equipments possible using
    only one Amiga

 |> Quick measurement configuration using multiple line text-input fields

 |> Full featured menu system for interactive communications with laboratory
    or measurement devices using IEEE-488 (sending of commands, reading
    data, serial polling, IEEE-488 control commands, etc.)

 |> Powerful debug function for communication problems over IEEE-488 or
    serial port

 |> Measured data can be send automatically to multiple running PolyGraph
    processes to display multiple data graphs at the same time

 |> Separate control of measurement channels over ARexx possible

 |> New Amiga-OS command "polymath" (calculation of complicated formulas
    with scientific functions in the shell window) included

 |> Measurements from hand held multimeters over serial line possible
    (for data acquisition at home or with small budget)

 |> IEEE-488 version available at Edotronik Gmbh. Munich, Mr.Dolag,
    Tel.Nr.: 089/404093

 |> Easy to install

 |> Distribution includes example ARexx scripts

 |> 300 pages manual can be bought separately (presently only in german)
    from the author

 |> TeX-source (german) for the manual available (only for registered users)
    from the author

 |> PolyGraph, PolyMeas & PriDat need at least 1.5 MByte of RAM

 |> Workbench 1.3 necessary (for full functionality 2.0 upto 3.1)


The archive PolyLab20.0.lha contains programs which are very useful for
scientists, physicists, students and all those who have to read data
from scientific instruments into their Amiga. The programs are called

PolyGraph.V20.0 (main program for visualization of data and analysis),
PolyMeas.V20.0  (separate process for IEEE-488 or serial communication,
                 with ARexx-Port for individually programmable measurements)
PriDat.V20.0    (program to plot the data into a scientific diagram).

Both PolyMeas.V20.0 and PriDat.V20.0 are called by PolyGraph.V20.0 and
run completely independent in the multitasking environment of the Amiga-OS.
Therefore it is possible to make measurements using any number of instruments,
while controlling them, too, analyse the incoming data and produce diagrams
of high quality on the printer all at the same time. It is also possible to
start a couple of instances of PolyGraph.V20.0 at the same time. You can have
several independent scientific equipments and control them all with only one

These programs (in PolyLab20.0.lha) are SHAREWARE and somehow crippled.
There is no IEEE-488 (GPIB) support, the maximum of allocatable datablocks
(11 data/block) is 128, the maximum number of ARexx commands is limited to
1024, and it is not possible to save any measured or generated data. However,
communication over the serial port is possible. To get the full versions
please fill in the file "OrderForm", print it out and send it to the author.

For those who want to make measurements using IEEE-488 (GPIB) an additional
IEEE-interface card has to be installed in the Amiga which can be bought from

Edotronik, Gmbh, Munich, Germany (Tel. 089/404094), Ing.Dolag.

From this company you can buy the version including IEEE-488 support.

The archive PolyLab20.0.lha contains only a short description of the
program PolyGraph.V20.0. For more information please read the manual
(at this time only in german) which contains about 300 pages and can
be bought from the author. Please fill in the file "OrderForm.Man",
print it out and send it to the author.

If you are familiar with scientific instruments and data analysis, it
will be no problem to use PolyGraph and PolyMeas, since the programs
and their functions are easily understandable. To get the most out of
it, you should read the manual which contains a full description of
the menu items, gadgets, the 36 mathematical functions in the
"polymath.library" (including 18 scientific functions, such as bessel
functions, etc.), and the powerful set of ARexx commands.


      Dr.Werner Mayr

      Julius Willerthgasse 18/5
      A-2700 Wiener Neustadt

      Tel.: 0043/02622/83923  (19 - 20 Uhr)

   Lieber Amiga-Freund!

Diese Programme sind eingeschränkte SHAREWARE-Versionen für das Aminet.
Es sind nur maximal 128 Datenblöcke einstellbar, die Anzahl der ARexx-Befehle
ist auf 1024 limitiert, die Kommunikation über IEEE-488 ist desaktiviert und
es können keine Daten abgespeichert werden. Davon abgesehen sind die
Programme voll funktionstüchtig, d.h. es können alle Eigenschaften aus-
probiert werden (die Kommunikation über die serielle Schnittstelle funktio-

Vielen Dank für das Interesse an PolyGraph & PolyMeas. Bei etwaigen Problemen
hilft natürlich das Handbuch, dessen Inhaltsverzeichnis auch als Sachregister
dient. Das Handbuch ist entweder beim Autor des Programmes oder bei der Firma
Edotronik, GmbH, München, Tel: 089/404093 zu kaufen. Es umfaßt ca.300 Seiten.

PolyGraph & PolyMeas sind intuitiv erfaßbar, sodaß ein vollständiges Studium
des Handbuches beim Ausprobieren der Programme nicht notwendig ist. Wollen
Sie jedoch alle Eigenschaften der Programme inklusive ARexx-Programmierung
benützen, so ist die Kenntnis des Handbuches sicher von Vorteil.

Es werden ungefähr 1,5 MByte RAM-Speicher benötigt, falls alle Funktionen
der Programme verfügbar sein sollen (Grafikfenster, Meßfenster, Hintergrund-

Allgemeine Informationen:
   Diese Distribution enthält die SHAREWARE-Version eines Programmes,
mit dem Meßwerte von (GPIB-)Meßgeräten in den Amiga eingelesen, graphisch
dargestellt und umgerechnet werden können. Dieses Programm PolyGraph.V20
stellt eine echte Alternative zu den Programmen "Asystant GPIB" und
"LabWindows" dar, die auf I*M-Kompatiblen laufen und zur automatischen
Meßwerterfassung in wissenschaftlichen Labors und auf Universitäten dienen.

Warum sollen für derartige Anwendungen immer nur Kompatible verwendet
werden, wenn doch der Amiga auf Grund seiner herausragenden Multitasking-
fähigkeiten geradezu prädestiniert für Anwendungen in der Meßtechnik ist.
Denn mit diesem Programm ist der Computer während der Messung nicht eine
Millisekunde blockiert, sondern ist zu allen anderen Anwendungen, wie
z.B. Schreiben von Publikationen, Nachbearbeiten und Studium von Meßwerten,
Berechnung von theoretischen Kurven usw. nach wie vor einsatzbereit.
Zahlreiche vergleichende Untersuchungen haben den Vorsprung von PolyGraph
& PolyMeas gegenüber herkömmlichen MS-D*S Lösungen hinsichtlich benötigter
Zeit und Flexibilität bei der Realisierung von Meßanwendungen gezeigt.

Das Programm PolyGraph.V20 mit dem Meßteil PolyMeas.V20.0 erfüllt seine
IEEE 488-meßtechnische Aufgabe nur mit der IEEE 488 (GPIB) Interfacekarte
der Firma Edotronik GmbH. München, die in den Amiga 2000, 3000 oder 4000
eingebaut werden kann. An diese Karte sind die benötigten Meßgeräte über
IEEE 488-Kabel anzuschließen.

Ohne diese Interfacekarte sind jedoch alle Eigenschaften des Programmes,
die ohne IEEE 488 auskommen, weiterhin benutzbar. Es ist auch möglich,
Meßgeräte für den Heimgebrauch oder den semiprofessionellen Einsatz
(z.B. tragbare Low Cost Digitalmultimeter, wie das M3850 von roline)
über die serielle Schnittstelle mit PolyMeas zu verbinden und auf diese
Art und Weise kostengünstige Messungen durchzuführen.

Wenn Sie die SHAREWARE-Version von PolyGraph.V20 ausprobieren wollen, so
brauchen Sie nur auf das entsprechende Bildchen PolyGraph.V20.0 zweimal
klicken.  PolyMeas wird von PolyGraph durch Anklicken des Schalters
mit dem Namen 'Meas' als eigener Prozeß gestartet. Die Kommunikation
zwischen PolyGraph und PolyMeas geschieht über eigene Message Ports.

Im Ordner Rexx befinden sich eine Reihe von ARexx-Macros, die zum Aus-
probieren und als Programmierbeispiele gedacht sind. PolyMeas enthält
den Menüpunkt 'ARexx' 'Execute Program', mit dem ARexx-Macros gestartet
werden können Probieren Sie einfach die Macros test-00.rexx, test-02.rexx
und test-03.rexx einmal aus.

Im Ordner cfg befinden sich zwei Konfigurationsdateien, die vom Start/Stop-
Meßteil von PolyMeas verwendet werden. he3micdcxx.cfg ist die in wissen-
schaftlichen Instituten am meisten benutzte Konfigurationsdatei zur Messung
des Quanten-Halleffektes mit 5 verschiedenen GPIB-Meßgeräten, wie z.B. dem
Digital-Multimeter DMM Keithley 199. test.cfg wird bei den ARexx-Macros
gebraucht und kann auch in der SHAREWARE-Version geladen und mit 'Start'
gestartet werden. Dabei werden Meßwerte durch Berechnung simuliert.

Im Ordner data befinden sich drei Meßwertedateien dc5_18.7.pgf, KKRTest.dat
und PolyGraph.xy-1, sowie die Datei polytxt.lin. Diese können von PolyGraph
geladen werden, um beispielsweise die Darstellung der Meßwerte auszuprobie-
ren, und das Format für die Abspeicherung der Meßwerte zu zeigen. Alle
Dateien außer dc5_18.7.pgf können mit Texteditoren betrachtet und ver-
ändert werden.

Im Ordner c befindet sich die Vorversion eines neuen AmigaDOS-Befehls mit
Namen polymath, der es gestattet, einen beliebigen mathematischen Ausdruck
in doppelter Genauigkeit zu berechnen. Es werden 18 mathematische Grund-
funktionen und weitere 18 wissenschaftliche Funktionen erkannt. Nähere
Informationen sind im Handbuch zu PolyGraph zu finden. Um einen Ausdruck,
z.B. (sin(1.2)+exp(0.25))^2 zu berechnen, geben Sie im Shell-Fenster einfach

polymath (sin(1.2)+exp(0.25))^2

ein, und Sie erhalten sofort das Resultat in der Shell.

                                 Und nun: Viel Erfolg und Vergnügen.

Contents of misc/math/PolyLab20.0.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  658    1883  34.9% -lh5- e7c2 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/Bestellform.Man
[generic]                  237     481  49.3% -lh5- 9ed4 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  712    1968  36.2% -lh5- f3b1 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/Bestellformular
[generic]                  237     481  49.3% -lh5- 705e Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  278     628  44.3% -lh5- fa1b Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                 4270    7360  58.0% -lh5- a32b Dec  2  1993 PolyInstall/c/polymath
[generic]                  231     388  59.5% -lh5- dcae May 25  1994 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  320    1016  31.5% -lh5- 4282 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  328    1029  31.9% -lh5- 0d7c Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  278     628  44.3% -lh5- af3f Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  248     628  39.5% -lh5- 000f Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Libs/
[generic]                16841   25300  66.6% -lh5- 31b4 Oct  2  1992 PolyInstall/Libs/kick1.3/reqtools.library
[generic]                  250     628  39.8% -lh5- 9362 Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Libs/
[generic]                24510   37284  65.7% -lh5- 080c Jan 22  1993 PolyInstall/Libs/kick2.0/reqtools.library
[generic]                  683    1873  36.5% -lh5- a3a1 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/OrderForm
[generic]                  236     481  49.1% -lh5- f7bb Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  620    1794  34.6% -lh5- ab79 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/OrderForm.Man
[generic]                  237     481  49.3% -lh5- 7d43 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  760    1611  47.2% -lh5- 0dc2 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  272     628  43.3% -lh5- b7bb Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  271     628  43.2% -lh5- e5be May 25  1994 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/
[generic]                  480    2808  17.1% -lh5- d733 Apr 27  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/cfg/he3micdcxx.cfg
[generic]                  285    2595  11.0% -lh5- 3b02 May  4  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/cfg/test.cfg
[generic]                  269     628  42.8% -lh5- 62d5 Jun  7  1994 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- 3de3 Jun  6  1994 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-14
[generic]                   35      43  81.4% -lh5- db88 Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Prt_Colors-1.3
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- c06f Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Prt_Colors-2.0
[generic]                  272     628  43.3% -lh5- e92a May 25  1994 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/
[generic]                 6571   15932  41.2% -lh5- 24c6 Jun 10  1994 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/data/dc5_18.7.pgf
[generic]                 1722    4750  36.3% -lh5- f54c Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/data/KKRTest.dat
[generic]                  775    3320  23.3% -lh5- 427c Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/data/PolyGraph.xy-1
[generic]                 1961    6433  30.5% -lh5- eec2 Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/data/polytxt.lin
[generic]                 4421   35904  12.3% -lh5- a141 Mar 15  1993 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/
[generic]               105884  233012  45.4% -lh5- b0dd Aug  1  1995 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/PolyGraph.V20.0
[generic]                  769    1816  42.3% -lh5- 9211 Sep  4  1995 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/
[generic]                  460    4217  10.9% -lh5- 1683 Mar 11  1994 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/PolyGraph.V20.0.pref
[generic]                16281   34084  47.8% -lh5- be9a Sep 21  1993 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/polymath.library
[generic]                44354   95356  46.5% -lh5- 5c35 Aug  1  1995 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/PolyMeas.V20.0
[generic]                  707    1709  41.4% -lh5- 66bc Sep  4  1995 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/
[generic]                 1030   11220   9.2% -lh5- 1b19 Mar 15  1993 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/
[generic]                  134     243  55.1% -lh5- ab11 May 27  1994 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/s/Start-ARexx
[generic]                  275     628  43.8% -lh5- 57b3 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  530    1900  27.9% -lh5- d0a5 Nov 14  1992 PolyInstall/PriDat/PolyGraph.para
[generic]                 4179   34965  12.0% -lh5- 0f75 Nov 24  1993 PolyInstall/PriDat/PriDat.V18.font
[generic]                  279     628  44.4% -lh5- 398b Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/PriDat/PriDat.V18.x
[generic]                48960  134508  36.4% -lh5- 5ca6 Sep 11  1995 PolyInstall/PriDat/PriDat.V20.0
[generic]                 4388   34425  12.7% -lh5- a596 Nov 25  1993 PolyInstall/PriDat/PriDat.V20.font
[generic]                  631    3060  20.6% -lh5- 0f91 Feb 22  1992 PolyInstall/PriDat/PriDat.V20.par
[generic]                   45     180  25.0% -lh5- c019 Feb 22  1992 PolyInstall/PriDat/PriDat.V20.par_col
[generic]                  202     752  26.9% -lh5- 756a Dec  1  1992 PolyInstall/PriDat/PriDat.V20.pref
[generic]                  297     657  45.2% -lh5- e811 Mar 11  1994 PolyInstall/PriDat/PriDat.V20.x
[generic]                 1744    3453  50.5% -lh5- 2bb6 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/README
[generic]                  391     593  65.9% -lh5- d48c Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  251     477  52.6% -lh5- 03dc Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  277     628  44.1% -lh5- 0ee7 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  332     603  55.1% -lh5- 5c7a Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/GPIB/test10.rexx
[generic]                  207     345  60.0% -lh5- 444d Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/GPIB/test6.rexx
[generic]                  373     696  53.6% -lh5- 9876 Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/GPIB/test9.rexx
[generic]                  342     612  55.9% -lh5- 93d2 Jun  7  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-00.rexx
[generic]                  277     411  67.4% -lh5- c8f6 Jun  9  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-02.rexx
[generic]                  546    1265  43.2% -lh5- 15ef Jun  9  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-03.rexx
[generic]                  461    1216  37.9% -lh5- 8e4d Mar  7  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-05.rexx
[generic]                  253     497  50.9% -lh5- d89a Mar  7  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-30.rexx
[generic]                  323     887  36.4% -lh5- 3a3b Jun  9  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-31.rexx
[generic]                  340     836  40.7% -lh5- a16b Jun  9  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-32.rexx
[generic]                  594    2106  28.2% -lh5- ccc8 Jun  9  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-33.rexx
[generic]                  455    1391  32.7% -lh5- a93d Jun  9  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-34.rexx
[generic]                  383     763  50.2% -lh5- 4331 Jun  9  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test-35.rexx
[generic]                  423     968  43.7% -lh5- 40ea Mar  7  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test12.rexx
[generic]                  731    1555  47.0% -lh5- 1619 Jun  9  1994 PolyInstall/Rexx/test15.rexx
[generic]                  198     396  50.0% -lh5- 3600 Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/
[generic]                  200     396  50.5% -lh5- ca3f Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/
[generic]                  198     396  50.0% -lh5- db25 Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/
[generic]                  197     396  49.7% -lh5- e2de Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/
[generic]                  198     396  50.0% -lh5- 490e Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/
[generic]                  196     396  49.5% -lh5- 43c3 Nov 21  1992 PolyInstall/Rexx/
[generic]                 3048    8112  37.6% -lh5- b86b Sep  4  1995 PolyInstall/Version20.0
[generic]                  389     593  65.6% -lh5- 5bb9 Sep 12  1995 PolyInstall/
[generic]                  267     628  42.5% -lh5- caf1 Sep 12  1995
[generic]                 3529    7897  44.7% -lh5- c231 Sep 13  1995 PolyInstall/ReadMe.first
[generic]                  115     467  24.6% -lh5- d680 Sep 13  1995 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/PolyMeas.V20.0.pref
[generic]                  702    1430  49.1% -lh5- c83a Sep 13  1995 PolyInstall/Rexx/test16.rexx
[generic]                  684    1388  49.3% -lh5- 861c Sep 13  1995 PolyInstall/Rexx/test17.rexx
[generic]                  725    1501  48.3% -lh5- e3ef Sep 13  1995 PolyInstall/Rexx/test18.rexx
[generic]                  694    1603  43.3% -lh5- 5920 Sep 13  1995 PolyInstall/Rexx/test19.rexx
[generic]                  670    1351  49.6% -lh5- 2808 Sep 13  1995 PolyInstall/Rexx/test20.rexx
[generic]                  550    1717  32.0% -lh5- b90c Sep 14  1995 PolyInstall/InstallPoly1.3
[generic]                  553    1736  31.9% -lh5- 4e51 Sep 14  1995 PolyInstall/InstallPoly2.0
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- f856 Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-00
[generic]                   38      43  88.4% -lh5- b28d Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-01
[generic]                   37      43  86.0% -lh5- 60da Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-02
[generic]                   37      43  86.0% -lh5- bc3e Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-03
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- e2c1 Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-04
[generic]                   32      43  74.4% -lh5- 8e58 Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-05
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- 3a3c Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-06
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- 56c8 Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-07
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- e97e Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-08
[generic]                   32      43  74.4% -lh5- 8e58 Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-10
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- 56c8 Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-11
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- 7f20 Apr 17  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-12
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- ea76 Aug 30  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-13
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- 5a95 May  7  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-15
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- fe62 May  8  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-16
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- 4de1 May 13  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-17
[generic]                   33      43  76.7% -lh5- 3126 Jun 25  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-18
[generic]                   33      43  76.7% -lh5- c3c8 Aug 29  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-19
[generic]                   29      43  67.4% -lh5- 78c2 Aug 29  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-20
[generic]                   30      43  69.8% -lh5- c9f2 Aug 30  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-21
[generic]                   31      43  72.1% -lh5- 4f25 Aug 30  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-22
[generic]                   35      43  81.4% -lh5- 2bbd Oct 23  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-23
[generic]                   35      43  81.4% -lh5- d0f2 Oct 23  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-24
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- 5dac Oct 23  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-25
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- d048 Oct 24  1991 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-26
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- 1c22 May 20  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-27
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- 2d98 Oct  7  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-28
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- ad91 Oct 21  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-29
[generic]                   36      43  83.7% -lh5- a560 Nov 18  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-30
[generic]                   34      43  79.1% -lh5- 7713 Nov 18  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-31
[generic]                   37      43  86.0% -lh5- eb43 Nov 19  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-32
[generic]                   37      43  86.0% -lh5- 4f84 Nov 19  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-33
[generic]                   35      43  81.4% -lh5- e42b Feb  1  1993 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-34
[generic]                   35      43  81.4% -lh5- 6aa9 Feb 17  1993 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-35
[generic]                   35      43  81.4% -lh5- 2267 Aug 10  1993 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-36
[generic]                   37      43  86.0% -lh5- 4f84 Nov 19  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-prt1.3
[generic]                   37      43  86.0% -lh5- eb43 Nov 19  1992 PolyInstall/PolyGraph/Colors/Poly_Colors-prt2.0
[generic]                17267   64273  26.9% -lh5- 7f4e Sep 14  1995 PolyInstall/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       126 files  339113  869650  39.0%            Sep 14  1995
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