This is disk 999 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ADAM A calculation program that is able to handle numbers with
up to some thousand digits before and after the decimal
point. This is version number 3. The (German) source code
in assembly language is included.
Author: Michael Lorek
ASplit Splits binary/text files into smaller units, to be trans-
fered to removable storage units. It looks like 'split'
under Unix., but this version allows you to specify the
size in bytes (instead of lines). Version 2.0, shareware.
Includes Source in ANSI C, so it can be compiled on any
Author: Marc Mendez
DBB Digital Breadboard is a full GUI digital circuit simulator.
Digital Breadboard currently supports 2 and 3 input AND,
OR, NAND, and NOR gates, NOT and XOR gates, D, JK, and SR
edge-triggered flip-flops, multiple independant clocks,
switched and pulsed inputs, outputs, Vcc, GND, independant
4-channel trace scope, event counters, variable speed
timer, preferences printing, and more. Includes combina-
tional logic design utilities. Version 1.1.9, an update
to version 1.1.5 on disk 844.
Author: Dan Griffin
HQMM Hero Quest MapMaker. With HQMM, you can create your own
missions for Hero Quest, the board game. You can place
all objects that are in the Hero Quest set (doors, traps,
furniture, monsters etc.) on the map and you can write
your own story to go with it. All this will be printed
out in the same style as the original Hero Quest missions.
Version 1.14, an update to version 1.11 on disk number
959. Requires OS2.0+, binary only, freeware.
Author: Camiel Rouweler
QuadraComp A music tracker which uses the internal Amiga sound
capabilities. Features: Uses standard intuition windows;
Handles the Protracker and Extended Module (EMOD) formats;
Built-in synth in the sample editor; More and longer samples
can be used than in normal trackers; Amusing realtime sample
displays. Version 2.03, an update to version 2.0 on disk
number 930. Binary only, shareware. Package also includes
QuadraPlayer, a relatively small, freeware module player,
that handles both Protracker modules and Extended Modules
(EMOD's). The music is shown visually in the Monoscope,
VU-Meters and SpectraScope. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Bo Lincoln & Calle Englund