This is disk 982 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Bin2Hunk Convert any binary file to an AmigaDOS hunk (or object file)
that can be linked with your linker into your program. This
is most useful when you wish some form of data to be a part
of your executable. This data can be sound samples, images,
text, or whatever. Sports a ReadArgs() CLI interface, as
well as a GadTools Intuition interface. Memory type options
include ANY, CHIP, and FAST. Allows naming of your hunks.
An optional data item containing the size of your data can
also be specified. Version 2.2, binary only.
Author: Brian Koetting
HWGRCS A 3 part distribution of an RCS port to the Amiga,
currently at patch level 8. Part 1 contains the binaries
and documentation in AmigaGuide and "man" format, part 2
contains the source code to RCS, and part 3 contains the
source code and binaries for patch and diffutils. The
Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of
text files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, logging,
identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for
text that is revised frequently, for example: programs, doc-
umentation, graphics, papers, form letters, etc. Included
are RCS 5.6, GNU diffutils 2.6 and an LP utility to support
paged diff outputs. Part 1 on disk 980, part 2 is on disk
981, and part 3 is on disk 982.
Author: Walter Tichy, Paul Eggert, Heinz Wrobel
JoyRide A commodity that provides an intuition front-end for joy-
stick events. This has some nice advantages for both users
and programmers. Basic features are a simple joystick
interface, application shareable joystick events, and joy-
stick events now pass through the input.device stream.
Version 1.0, includes source to example test program.
Author: Brian Koetting