This is disk 957 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
PARex PARex is a program which allows you to process files, mostly
textfiles, whereby strings can be replaced by another, text
between two strings can be stripped, strings put in lower or
upper case. PARex supports normal text searching, wildcard
searching, context remembering and word-only searching.
Using data scripts enables the use of an unlimited number of
such replace commands. Each replace command can be indivi-
dually controlled. All ASCII codes can be used in the
search and replace strings, even entire files, dates, times,
can be inserted in such strings. Custom formatted hexadeci-
mal output is also supported. Over twenty ready to use
program scripts are included to perform simple tasks as:
converting files between different computer systems, strip-
ping comments from source files, finding strings in files,
converting AmigaGuide files to normal text files,... even
automatic version updating of source files. By the way,
v3.00 is about two to more than twenty times faster than
the previous versions, and is supplied in english, german,
french, and dutch. This is version 3.00, an update to
version 2.12 on disk number 859. Binary only (but the
source is available), shareware.
Author: Chris P. Vandierendonck
VChess Fully functional shareware chess game completely written in
Amiga Oberon. Features: selectable screen type (can run
right on the workbench screen); sizeable board; Two-human,
Computer-Human and Computer-Computer play modes; Load, save
games; Load/save/print movelist; Use/save openings; Time
limits; Solve for mate; Selectable fonts; Setup board;
Rotate board; Show movelist; Show thinking; ... and more.
Requires OS2.0+, and should run even on low memory (512K)
machines if the opening library is not used. Version 2.0,
binary only, shareware.
Author: Stefan Salewski