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This is disk 928 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

AddTools	Allows you to add your own items to the "Tools" menu of Amiga
		OS 2.04's Workbench Screen.  Unlike other menu utilities,
		which only add the ability to run programs by menu, AddTools
		can also pass them some parameters on "the fly" in the form
		of icons, selected before choosing the desired menu item.
		You can also provide default values if no icons are selected,
		and you can decide if the the program must be run in either
		synchronous or asynchronous mode when multiple icon parame-
		ters are selected.  Requires OS2.04+, Version 1.11, binary
		only, freeware.
		Author:  Alessandro Sala

Annotate 	A text editor written for ADos 2.0 and up.  Takes advantage
		of Public screens and the system default font.  Features in-
		clude folding, shifting, full clipboard support, macros,
		scroll bar, editor buffering, printing, text locking, tools
		menu, and a full Arexx Port.  Fixes a bug with AmigaDos 3.0
		and the file requester.  Version 2.0, an update to version
		1.8 on disk number 751.  Binary only.
		Author:  Doug Bakewell

DefPubScreen	A little wedge that makes the front-most screen the default 
		public screen.  If the front-most screen isn't a public
		screen, nothing changes.  It wedges into the vertical blank-
		ing interrupt server chain and watches Intuition's record of
		the front most screen.  When the front-most screen changes,
		the main task is signaled and responds by making the front-
		most screen the default public screen if possible.  This is
		all totally transparent and happens very quickly, and is
		very handy for people who have separate screens for Shell
		windows etc.  Version 3.00, an update to version 2.00 on
		disk number 909.  Binary only.
		Author:  Matt Francis

MiserPrint	A print utility that puts up to 8 normal pages of text on
		one sheet of paper. You are able to save paper and time.
		MiserPrint uses the small built-in fonts (Courier and
		Letter Gothic) of the HP-Deskjet printers.  Version 1.0,
		requires Kickstart 2.04 or higher, binary only.
		Author:  Heinz-Guenter Boettger

MRChoice	MultiRequestChoice is a requester utility designed as a
		powerful and comfortable replacement for ASK and other
		present requester utilities.  It is very useful for both
		batch files and ARexx scripts.  MultiRequestChoice supports
		multi-gadget requesters, multi-line bodytext in the reques-
		ter with a center option and opening requesters on public
		screens with a position control option.  Version 1.0, re-
		quires OS2.x or higher and the reqtools.library V38+.
		FreeWare version, binary only.
		Author:  Rainer Scharnow

PriMan		A Task Priority Manager along the same lines as	TaskX, but
		fully Style Guide compliant, font-sensitive, and configur-
		able.  Requires OS2.0 or greater.  Includes C source, free-
		Author:  Barry McConnell

TeXFormat	Enables you to select TeX format files easily.  Scans the
		directory where your TeX format files reside and creates an
		array of radiobuttons of the appropriate size.  Moreover, 
		shows the filenotes of the format files making it easier to
		remember the purposes of the format files.  Two versions of
		the program, A very flexible one based an Stefan Stuntz's
		MagicalUserInterface (MUI) and a less nice non-MUI version
		(of the same functionality, however).  Version 2.00, includes
		source.  Also included is a 68000 version executable of
		TeXPrt that was left off of disk number 892 by mistake. 
		Author:  Richard A. Bödi

Contents of misc/fish/fish-0928.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  246     624  39.4% -lh5- 5f59 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                 9360   15124  61.9% -lh5- 15f8 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/AddTools
[generic]                  344     849  40.5% -lh5- b29a Oct  7  1993 AddTools/
[generic]                  204     328  62.2% -lh5- d6b6 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/AddToolsData
[generic]                  240     470  51.1% -lh5- b2f2 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/
[generic]                 5220   14535  35.9% -lh5- a2f4 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/AddToolsDoc-E
[generic]                  243     470  51.7% -lh5- b379 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/
[generic]                  492    1653  29.8% -lh5- 6682 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/Catalogs/AddTools.ct
[generic]                  320     835  38.3% -lh5- 3a10 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/Catalogs/
[generic]                  421     704  59.8% -lh5- aede Oct  7  1993 AddTools/Catalogs/italiano/AddTools.catalog
[generic]                  346     550  62.9% -lh5- 6a2c Oct  7  1993 AddTools/MTCopy
[generic]                  242     470  51.5% -lh5- cad3 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/
[generic]                   99     103  96.1% -lh5- 76f3 Oct  7  1993 AddTools/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  249     624  39.9% -lh5- a5e8 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                58411  179564  32.5% -lh5- 578d Oct  7  1993 Annotate/Ann
[generic]                  848    1642  51.6% -lh5- c01d Oct  7  1993 Annotate/
[generic]                13251   43522  30.4% -lh5- 2afe Oct  7  1993 Annotate/Annotate.AmigaGuide
[generic]                  261     493  52.9% -lh5- 35e5 Oct  7  1993 Annotate/
[generic]                  123     148  83.1% -lh5- 73b8 Oct  7  1993 Annotate/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                13170   22944  57.4% -lh5- b1d3 Oct  7  1993 c/MuchMore
[generic]                 3652    6184  59.1% -lh5- e542 Oct  7  1993 c/XIcon
[generic]                 1584    3390  46.7% -lh5- ed72 Oct  7  1993 Catalog
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- bf91 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                 1785    3615  49.4% -lh5- 5a3f Oct  7  1993 Contents
[generic]                  369     582  63.4% -lh5- 93fc Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  248     624  39.7% -lh5- 3f5f Oct  7  1993
[generic]                 4811    8832  54.5% -lh5- c484 Oct  7  1993 DefPubScreen/DefPubScreen
[generic]                 2928    7135  41.0% -lh5- 5343 Oct  7  1993 DefPubScreen/
[generic]                  226     469  48.2% -lh5- 0541 Oct  7  1993 DefPubScreen/
[generic]                  285     564  50.5% -lh5- 24f7 Oct  7  1993 DefPubScreen/
[generic]                  440     911  48.3% -lh5- 43d6 Oct  7  1993 DefPubScreen/InstallLib
[generic]                  438    1238  35.4% -lh5- 4967 Oct  7  1993 DefPubScreen/
[generic]                25156   38432  65.5% -lh5- 5251 Oct  7  1993 DefPubScreen/Libs/reqtools.library
[generic]                  102     107  95.3% -lh5- bf5d Oct  7  1993 DefPubScreen/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  352     852  41.3% -lh5- f82d Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  827    1803  45.9% -lh5- d7f6 Oct  7  1993 Distribution
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- df91 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  246     624  39.4% -lh5- c7d0 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                   79      95  83.2% -lh5- 7ea2 Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/envarc/MiserPrint/Listing.prefs
[generic]                   74      80  92.5% -lh5- 234d Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/envarc/MiserPrint/Manual.prefs
[generic]                   73      80  91.2% -lh5- 480c Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/envarc/MiserPrint/MiserPrint.prefs
[generic]                  359     830  43.3% -lh5- 405c Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/Install
[generic]                  338     673  50.2% -lh5- 828a Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/
[generic]                23465   44828  52.3% -lh5- 0a46 Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/MiserPrint
[generic]                 3719    9174  40.5% -lh5- 0a00 Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/MiserPrint.doc
[generic]                  236     470  50.2% -lh5- 9a24 Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/
[generic]                 3903    9929  39.3% -lh5- 907e Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/
[generic]                  260     504  51.6% -lh5- e24f Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/
[generic]                  848    1401  60.5% -lh5- ecd3 Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/
[generic]                  131     167  78.4% -lh5- 4a03 Oct  7  1993 MiserPrint/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  244     624  39.1% -lh5- 04da Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  786    2216  35.5% -lh5- 67d2 Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/MRCDemo.bat
[generic]                  320     675  47.4% -lh5- 271b Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/
[generic]                  864    3057  28.3% -lh5- dd6e Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/MRCDemo.rexx
[generic]                 4812    7456  64.5% -lh5- add9 Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/MultiRequestChoice
[generic]                 3653    8781  41.6% -lh5- 2130 Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/MultiRequestChoice.doc
[generic]                  236     477  49.5% -lh5- 69ef Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/
[generic]                 4710   11066  42.6% -lh5- 39a7 Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/MultiRequestChoice.dok
[generic]                  236     477  49.5% -lh5- 3142 Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/
[generic]                  123     152  80.9% -lh5- 73e0 Oct  7  1993 MRChoice/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                 1934    4142  46.7% -lh5- a915 Oct  7  1993 Orders
[generic]                  378     582  64.9% -lh5- cbf5 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  250     624  40.1% -lh5- c07d Oct  7  1993
[generic]                 9552   17224  55.5% -lh5- 1656 Oct  7  1993 PriMan/PriMan
[generic]                10539   50640  20.8% -lh5- 80a1 Oct  7  1993 PriMan/PriMan.c
[generic]                  278     663  41.9% -lh5- 79a8 Oct  7  1993 PriMan/
[generic]                 3412    7415  46.0% -lh5- dbc7 Oct  7  1993 PriMan/PriMan.doc
[generic]                  259     646  40.1% -lh5- dec3 Oct  7  1993 PriMan/
[generic]                  393    2531  15.5% -lh5- 5956 Oct  7  1993 PriMan/
[generic]                   99     101  98.0% -lh5- a1a5 Oct  7  1993 PriMan/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                 1107    2188  50.6% -lh5- 57cd Oct  7  1993 ReadMeFirst
[generic]                  374     582  64.3% -lh5- 2ba4 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                 1032    2091  49.4% -lh5- 9d93 Oct  7  1993 Submissions
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- 2012 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  241     624  38.6% -lh5- f44a Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  242     624  38.8% -lh5- 33a4 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/
[generic]                  172     220  78.2% -lh5- 80fc Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Docs/FredFish.log
[generic]                 5361   15896  33.7% -lh5- 61d5 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Docs/TeXFormat.dvi
[generic]                  270     515  52.4% -lh5- f65a Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Docs/
[generic]                  603    1310  46.0% -lh5- 2187 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Docs/TeXFormat.log
[generic]                 3176    8401  37.8% -lh5- 49ec Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Docs/TeXFormat.tex
[generic]                  342     598  57.2% -lh5- 2f6f Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Docs/
[generic]                  336    1432  23.5% -lh5- 6a93 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Docs/TeXFormat.toc
[generic]                  244     624  39.1% -lh5- 73e3 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/
[generic]                  497     841  59.1% -lh5- b198 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/
[generic]                 1711    2632  65.0% -lh5- a81a Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/Debug
[generic]                  303     459  66.0% -lh5- 443b Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/
[generic]                  538     838  64.2% -lh5- 4269 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/
[generic]                  479     963  49.7% -lh5- f91d Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/ReadMe.mui
[generic]                  278     550  50.5% -lh5- 3ca1 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/
[generic]                  105     148  70.9% -lh5- e8a6 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/SCoptions
[generic]                  273     470  58.1% -lh5- 7363 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/
[generic]                 7857   13112  59.9% -lh5- 95ca Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/TeXFormat
[generic]                 6470   34646  18.7% -lh5- e3a5 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/TeXFormat.c
[generic]                  317     616  51.5% -lh5- 63e0 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/
[generic]                  542     909  59.6% -lh5- 463e Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/
[generic]                   72      80  90.0% -lh5- 57e8 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/TeXFormat.lnk
[generic]                  241     470  51.3% -lh5- ad57 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/
[generic]                 3374    6108  55.2% -lh5- 4e07 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/MUI/TeXFormat.o
[generic]                  242     624  38.8% -lh5- 6207 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/
[generic]                  495     841  58.9% -lh5- 667c Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/
[generic]                 1711    2632  65.0% -lh5- a81a Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/Debug
[generic]                  299     459  65.1% -lh5- 0ad8 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/
[generic]                  542     838  64.7% -lh5- 66d4 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/
[generic]                  114     159  71.7% -lh5- 2aef Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/SCoptions
[generic]                  277     470  58.9% -lh5- 3e39 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/
[generic]                 7682   12496  61.5% -lh5- 2f56 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/TeXFormat
[generic]                 7407   36625  20.2% -lh5- 1cbe Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/TeXFormat.c
[generic]                  317     616  51.5% -lh5- 200a Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/
[generic]                  566     938  60.3% -lh5- b824 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/
[generic]                   72      80  90.0% -lh5- 57e8 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/TeXFormat.lnk
[generic]                  243     470  51.7% -lh5- 0579 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/
[generic]                 3589    6148  58.4% -lh5- fc8d Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/Non-MUI/TeXFormat.o
[generic]                  126     153  82.4% -lh5- f9ce Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  246     624  39.4% -lh5- 5c44 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/
[generic]                21024   40292  52.2% -lh5- cc37 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/TeXPrt/TeXPrt.68000
[generic]                  595     957  62.2% -lh5- 41e8 Oct  7  1993 TeXFormat/TeXPrt/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       117 files  307331  753909  40.8%            Feb 16  1996
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