This is disk 928 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AddTools Allows you to add your own items to the "Tools" menu of Amiga
OS 2.04's Workbench Screen. Unlike other menu utilities,
which only add the ability to run programs by menu, AddTools
can also pass them some parameters on "the fly" in the form
of icons, selected before choosing the desired menu item.
You can also provide default values if no icons are selected,
and you can decide if the the program must be run in either
synchronous or asynchronous mode when multiple icon parame-
ters are selected. Requires OS2.04+, Version 1.11, binary
only, freeware.
Author: Alessandro Sala
Annotate A text editor written for ADos 2.0 and up. Takes advantage
of Public screens and the system default font. Features in-
clude folding, shifting, full clipboard support, macros,
scroll bar, editor buffering, printing, text locking, tools
menu, and a full Arexx Port. Fixes a bug with AmigaDos 3.0
and the file requester. Version 2.0, an update to version
1.8 on disk number 751. Binary only.
Author: Doug Bakewell
DefPubScreen A little wedge that makes the front-most screen the default
public screen. If the front-most screen isn't a public
screen, nothing changes. It wedges into the vertical blank-
ing interrupt server chain and watches Intuition's record of
the front most screen. When the front-most screen changes,
the main task is signaled and responds by making the front-
most screen the default public screen if possible. This is
all totally transparent and happens very quickly, and is
very handy for people who have separate screens for Shell
windows etc. Version 3.00, an update to version 2.00 on
disk number 909. Binary only.
Author: Matt Francis
MiserPrint A print utility that puts up to 8 normal pages of text on
one sheet of paper. You are able to save paper and time.
MiserPrint uses the small built-in fonts (Courier and
Letter Gothic) of the HP-Deskjet printers. Version 1.0,
requires Kickstart 2.04 or higher, binary only.
Author: Heinz-Guenter Boettger
MRChoice MultiRequestChoice is a requester utility designed as a
powerful and comfortable replacement for ASK and other
present requester utilities. It is very useful for both
batch files and ARexx scripts. MultiRequestChoice supports
multi-gadget requesters, multi-line bodytext in the reques-
ter with a center option and opening requesters on public
screens with a position control option. Version 1.0, re-
quires OS2.x or higher and the reqtools.library V38+.
FreeWare version, binary only.
Author: Rainer Scharnow
PriMan A Task Priority Manager along the same lines as TaskX, but
fully Style Guide compliant, font-sensitive, and configur-
able. Requires OS2.0 or greater. Includes C source, free-
Author: Barry McConnell
TeXFormat Enables you to select TeX format files easily. Scans the
directory where your TeX format files reside and creates an
array of radiobuttons of the appropriate size. Moreover,
shows the filenotes of the format files making it easier to
remember the purposes of the format files. Two versions of
the program, A very flexible one based an Stefan Stuntz's
MagicalUserInterface (MUI) and a less nice non-MUI version
(of the same functionality, however). Version 2.00, includes
source. Also included is a 68000 version executable of
TeXPrt that was left off of disk number 892 by mistake.
Author: Richard A. Bödi