This is disk 924 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
EdWordPro A fully featured and fully operational text editor which
offers all the standard features of any decent editor as
well as the ability to hold up to 15 documents in memory,
a Macro facility, Keyword Text Casing (i.e. editor will
automatically force keywords into upper/lower case etc);
The ability to send AmigaDOS commands; 12 possible screen
resolutions; A full ASCII table; Powerful search routines;
Vertical Blocks; A built in calculator; A Word Count; The
ability to sort a piece of text alphabetically .. and much
more. EdWord can be used to edit binary files as well as
plain vanilla texts and as such becomes a competent file-
based editor (like NewZap). Version 4.0 is a demonstration
release and is placed in the Public Domain (binary only).
Author: Martin Reddy
HD_Frequency A 'professional' hard disk recording system with many fea-
tures. Sampling rates as 60 khz on A1200 or 35 khz on stan-
dard A500 are no problem any longer. The program includes
a 4 track hd-sequencer that manages replaying 4 tracks at
the same time from HD. Limited, demo version only. This
is version 37.142, shareware, binary only.
Author: Michael Bock
P-Reader An all-purpose reader that displays texts,pictures, anima-
tions and sounds, which may be uncompressed or compressed by
P-Compress or PCompress2. Texts can contain embedded static
or animated illustrations and sounds. Version 7.1, an
update to V6.2 on disk 744. Freeware, binary only.
Author: Chas A.Wyndham
S_Anim5 Turns Anim5 animations (DPaint, Videoscape, P-Animate etc.)
into self-contained, self-displaying, compressed files call-
able from the Workbench or CLI. Version 1.3, an update to
V1.1 on disk number 885. Freeware, binary only.
Author: Chas A.Wyndham
S-Exec A simple program to turn executable command files into self-
executing compressed (imploded) commands, functioning exactly
as the uncompressed original. Freeware, binary only.
Author: Chas A.Wyndham
S-Omni Will turn almost anything into a self-contained self-execut-
ing compressed file, including virtually any combination of
a data file and an appropriate tool. Scripts (with all the
files called in the script), installation files, demonstra-
tions, tutorials, can all be made completely self-contained,
needing no special libraries or external support. Freeware,
binary only.
Author: Chas A.Wyndham
WB-Version A "Version" command for the WorkBench. Meant for use with
ToolManager, allows you to see the version of a library,
executable, etc. without having to resort to the CLI. Ver-
sion 1.2, now recognizes libraries, devices and is generally
a lot more robust than the previous releases. Includes source
in Amiga E.
Author: HÃ¥kan Hellberg