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This is disk 923 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

bBaseIII	An easy to use, versatile, yet full featured database program
		that will run on any Amiga.  Search or sort on any field,
		print mailing labels, (un)delete records, mail merge, get
		reports in many formats, scramble files, flag records, and
		more.  Fields are user-configurable, so bBase can be used
		to keep track of addresses, tape or video collections, reci-
		pe files, or anything else you can think of - one program
		does it all!  bBaseIII is a greatly enhanced successor to
		bBaseII.  This is version 1.4, an update to V1.3 on disk 878.
		Shareware.  Binary only.
		Author:  Robert Bromley

CryptoKing	A game for those who like to solve Cryptograms; those coded
		sentences that have to be decoded to be read.  Operate with
		keyboard or mouse.  This is Version 1.3, an update to Version
		1.1 on disk 710.  Shareware, binary only.
		Author:  Robert Bromley

MagicClip	A shell utility for accessing clipboard text.  Text can be
		written to or read from any clipboard unit.  Supports multi-
		hunk text and can be configured with two environment vari-
		ables.  Version 1.2, includes source in Oberon-2.
		Author:  Franz Schwarz

MagicPubName	A powerful 'getpubname' utility, that prints the name of the
		default, frontmost, or shanghai public screen to the console,
		or checks whether a public screen is frontmost, or at least
		partially visible, or whether it exists at all.  Any public
		screen may also be popped to the front.  Can also find the
		public screen of an arbitrary console.  Needs Amiga-OS 2.04
		or better.  Version 1.3a, includes source in Oberon-2.
		Author:  Franz Schwarz

OberonPrefs	A preferences editor for manipulating the compiler and linker
		options of A+L Amiga-Oberon.  Manipulates both the global
		options as well as project specific options and includes a
		comfortable interactive GUI, a powerful commandline and Tool-
		Types interface, Localization and more.  Requires Amiga-OS
		2.04 or better, takes advantage of Amiga-OS 2.1 and 3.0 if
		present.  Version 1.11d, giftware, binary only.
		Author:  Franz Schwarz

RawInsert	A utility to insert text or any other input events into the
		input stream.  Data can be either raw ascii text or commodi-
		ties input description sequences.  Requires Amiga-OS 2.04 or
		later.  Version 1.0, includes source in Oberon-2.
		Author:  Franz Schwarz

SetEnv39	A compatible substitute for Commodore's SetEnv shell command
		that takes advantage of the new OS3.0 GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY flag
		with a new SAVE/S switch which makes SetEnv39 affect global
		vars in the ENVARC: directory if you run OS3.0 or later.  Re-
		quires OS 2.04, new SAVE/S feature requires OS 3.0 to work.
		Version 39.0, includes source in Oberon-2.
		Author:  Franz Schwarz

Contents of misc/fish/fish-0923.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  252     624  40.4% -lh5- da16 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                12361   17100  72.3% -lh5- bf60 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/arp.library
[generic]                20887   61100  34.2% -lh5- abd1 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/bBase.doc
[generic]                  461    2574  17.9% -lh5- 5ad2 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/
[generic]                59739  160800  37.2% -lh5- 83e4 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/bBaseIII
[generic]                  622    2278  27.3% -lh5- 527c Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/
[generic]                21429   37000  57.9% -lh5- 4e9c Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/Convert
[generic]                  489    1414  34.6% -lh5- 2909 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/
[generic]                  708    1500  47.2% -lh5- 73e4 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/Readme
[generic]                  123     151  81.5% -lh5- 34cc Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  355     930  38.2% -lh5- 55d1 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/
[generic]                 1218    3000  40.6% -lh5- 3c78 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/Recipes.bbase
[generic]                 1823    5200  35.1% -lh5- a613 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/Revision_History
[generic]                  365     930  39.2% -lh5- bce3 Oct  7  1993 bBaseIII/
[generic]                13170   22944  57.4% -lh5- b1d3 Oct  7  1993 c/MuchMore
[generic]                 1584    3390  46.7% -lh5- ed72 Oct  7  1993 Catalog
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- bf91 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                 1385    2881  48.1% -lh5- 371b Oct  7  1993 Contents
[generic]                  369     582  63.4% -lh5- 93fc Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  245     624  39.3% -lh5- abf1 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                35601   73800  48.2% -lh5- 1c96 Oct  7  1993 CryptoKing/CK
[generic]                  495     874  56.6% -lh5- 7c8d Oct  7  1993 CryptoKing/CK.db
[generic]                  207     618  33.5% -lh5- f9f2 Oct  7  1993 CryptoKing/
[generic]                10216   30400  33.6% -lh5- 02d7 Oct  7  1993 CryptoKing/CK.doc
[generic]                  456    2574  17.7% -lh5- 59df Oct  7  1993 CryptoKing/
[generic]                  555    1718  32.3% -lh5- 4296 Oct  7  1993 CryptoKing/
[generic]                  123     151  81.5% -lh5- 34cc Oct  7  1993 CryptoKing/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  355     852  41.7% -lh5- cba7 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  827    1803  45.9% -lh5- d7f6 Oct  7  1993 Distribution
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- df91 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  245     624  39.3% -lh5- 6d68 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                 2159    3612  59.8% -lh5- 85b3 Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/MagicClip
[generic]                 1314    2705  48.6% -lh5- ee66 Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/MagicClip.doc
[generic]                  234     365  64.1% -lh5- 8b98 Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/
[generic]                 1637    3326  49.2% -lh5- e6dd Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/MagicClip.dok
[generic]                  209     365  57.3% -lh5- d8ae Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/
[generic]                  573     932  61.5% -lh5- 4b52 Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/
[generic]                 2479    6984  35.5% -lh5- 46c9 Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/MagicClip.mod
[generic]                  275     373  73.7% -lh5- 6e7a Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/
[generic]                  123     149  82.6% -lh5- 210f Oct  7  1993 MagicClip/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  247     624  39.6% -lh5- c92c Oct  7  1993
[generic]                 2565    4152  61.8% -lh5- 8f29 Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/MagicPubName
[generic]                 1962    4733  41.5% -lh5- 2669 Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/MagicPubName.doc
[generic]                  234     365  64.1% -lh5- 6991 Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/
[generic]                 2490    6084  40.9% -lh5- 3093 Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/MagicPubName.dok
[generic]                  207     365  56.7% -lh5- 1dd1 Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/
[generic]                  575     932  61.7% -lh5- 36ee Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/
[generic]                 2465    7757  31.8% -lh5- e2d3 Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/MagicPubName.mod
[generic]                  278     373  74.5% -lh5- 7d7f Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/
[generic]                   60      62  96.8% -lh5- 7db2 Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/Oberon.Prefs
[generic]                   38      38 100.0% -lh0- 0129 Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/OLink.Prefs
[generic]                  123     149  82.6% -lh5- 210f Oct  7  1993 MagicPubName/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  249     624  39.9% -lh5- 4d1d Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  245     624  39.3% -lh5- a1ff Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                  282     500  56.4% -lh5- 0dd4 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Catalogs/deutsch/blackmagic.catalog
[generic]                 1378    2782  49.5% -lh5- 76af Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Catalogs/deutsch/oberonprefs.catalog
[generic]                  607    1505  40.3% -lh5- c680 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/InstallOberonPrefs
[generic]                  275     902  30.5% -lh5- f21c Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                  247     624  39.6% -lh5- 8600 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                 7940   14688  54.1% -lh5- 1ad5 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Libs/oberonsupport.library
[generic]                25153   38432  65.4% -lh5- 2f9c Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Libs/reqtools.library
[generic]                  249     624  39.9% -lh5- 0584 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                  221     479  46.1% -lh5- ffc2 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Locale/
[generic]                  283     378  74.9% -lh5- 65e1 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Locale/
[generic]                  406     824  49.3% -lh5- 2fdc Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Locale/BlackMagic_d.ct
[generic]                  284     379  74.9% -lh5- 0ea0 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Locale/
[generic]                 1370    3587  38.2% -lh5- 1576 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Locale/
[generic]                  281     378  74.3% -lh5- 9c33 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Locale/
[generic]                 2237    5455  41.0% -lh5- 1093 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Locale/OberonPrefs_d.ct
[generic]                  281     379  74.1% -lh5- 49fc Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Locale/
[generic]                31409   64904  48.4% -lh5- c169 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/OberonPrefs
[generic]                11642   35664  32.6% -lh5- a205 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/OberonPrefs.doc
[generic]                  237     365  64.9% -lh5- 959c Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                12876   38590  33.4% -lh5- 0207 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/OberonPrefs.dok
[generic]                  207     365  56.7% -lh5- 4db0 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                  592     953  62.1% -lh5- 1ec8 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                  123     149  82.6% -lh5- 210f Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  249     624  39.9% -lh5- a2df Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                 2220    6569  33.8% -lh5- 6154 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Rexx/OCmd.ced
[generic]                  273     412  66.3% -lh5- 4f9b Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Rexx/
[generic]                 1182    3558  33.2% -lh5- cf04 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Rexx/OErr.ced
[generic]                  268     412  65.0% -lh5- 3322 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Rexx/
[generic]                  680    1518  44.8% -lh5- 5ded Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Rexx/OOptions.ced
[generic]                  275     412  66.7% -lh5- 8f50 Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/Rexx/
[generic]                  247     624  39.6% -lh5- 847b Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/
[generic]                  108     804  13.4% -lh5- 6bfb Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/s/RexxCommands
[generic]                  211     450  46.9% -lh5- 152a Oct  7  1993 OberonPrefs/s/
[generic]                 1934    4142  46.7% -lh5- a915 Oct  7  1993 Orders
[generic]                  378     582  64.9% -lh5- cbf5 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  242     624  38.8% -lh5- de42 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                   60      62  96.8% -lh5- 7db2 Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/Oberon.Prefs
[generic]                   38      38 100.0% -lh0- 0129 Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/OLink.Prefs
[generic]                 3811    6320  60.3% -lh5- e241 Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/RawInsert
[generic]                 2269    4813  47.1% -lh5- dd08 Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/RawInsert.doc
[generic]                  233     365  63.8% -lh5- f5a9 Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/
[generic]                 2450    5141  47.7% -lh5- 38cb Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/RawInsert.dok
[generic]                  209     365  57.3% -lh5- 6db1 Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/
[generic]                  574     932  61.6% -lh5- 0e4c Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/
[generic]                 1999    4884  40.9% -lh5- a4fc Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/RawInsert.mod
[generic]                  277     373  74.3% -lh5- 5198 Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/
[generic]                  123     149  82.6% -lh5- 210f Oct  7  1993 RawInsert/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                 1107    2188  50.6% -lh5- 57cd Oct  7  1993 ReadMeFirst
[generic]                  374     582  64.3% -lh5- 2ba4 Oct  7  1993
[generic]                  247     624  39.6% -lh5- d8be Oct  7  1993
[generic]                   60      62  96.8% -lh5- 7db2 Oct  7  1993 SetEnv39/Oberon.Prefs
[generic]                   38      38 100.0% -lh0- 0129 Oct  7  1993 SetEnv39/OLink.Prefs
[generic]                  123     149  82.6% -lh5- 210f Oct  7  1993 SetEnv39/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                 1469    2216  66.3% -lh5- b187 Oct  7  1993 SetEnv39/SetEnv
[generic]                  573     932  61.5% -lh5- 1a89 Oct  7  1993 SetEnv39/
[generic]                 1720    4253  40.4% -lh5- 70b3 Oct  7  1993 SetEnv39/SetEnv.mod
[generic]                  276     373  74.0% -lh5- 6745 Oct  7  1993 SetEnv39/
[generic]                 1032    2091  49.4% -lh5- 9d93 Oct  7  1993 Submissions
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- 2012 Oct  7  1993
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       113 files  334440  756462  44.2%            Feb 16  1996
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