This is disk 923 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
bBaseIII An easy to use, versatile, yet full featured database program
that will run on any Amiga. Search or sort on any field,
print mailing labels, (un)delete records, mail merge, get
reports in many formats, scramble files, flag records, and
more. Fields are user-configurable, so bBase can be used
to keep track of addresses, tape or video collections, reci-
pe files, or anything else you can think of - one program
does it all! bBaseIII is a greatly enhanced successor to
bBaseII. This is version 1.4, an update to V1.3 on disk 878.
Shareware. Binary only.
Author: Robert Bromley
CryptoKing A game for those who like to solve Cryptograms; those coded
sentences that have to be decoded to be read. Operate with
keyboard or mouse. This is Version 1.3, an update to Version
1.1 on disk 710. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Robert Bromley
MagicClip A shell utility for accessing clipboard text. Text can be
written to or read from any clipboard unit. Supports multi-
hunk text and can be configured with two environment vari-
ables. Version 1.2, includes source in Oberon-2.
Author: Franz Schwarz
MagicPubName A powerful 'getpubname' utility, that prints the name of the
default, frontmost, or shanghai public screen to the console,
or checks whether a public screen is frontmost, or at least
partially visible, or whether it exists at all. Any public
screen may also be popped to the front. Can also find the
public screen of an arbitrary console. Needs Amiga-OS 2.04
or better. Version 1.3a, includes source in Oberon-2.
Author: Franz Schwarz
OberonPrefs A preferences editor for manipulating the compiler and linker
options of A+L Amiga-Oberon. Manipulates both the global
options as well as project specific options and includes a
comfortable interactive GUI, a powerful commandline and Tool-
Types interface, Localization and more. Requires Amiga-OS
2.04 or better, takes advantage of Amiga-OS 2.1 and 3.0 if
present. Version 1.11d, giftware, binary only.
Author: Franz Schwarz
RawInsert A utility to insert text or any other input events into the
input stream. Data can be either raw ascii text or commodi-
ties input description sequences. Requires Amiga-OS 2.04 or
later. Version 1.0, includes source in Oberon-2.
Author: Franz Schwarz
SetEnv39 A compatible substitute for Commodore's SetEnv shell command
that takes advantage of the new OS3.0 GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY flag
with a new SAVE/S switch which makes SetEnv39 affect global
vars in the ENVARC: directory if you run OS3.0 or later. Re-
quires OS 2.04, new SAVE/S feature requires OS 3.0 to work.
Version 39.0, includes source in Oberon-2.
Author: Franz Schwarz