This is disk 905 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Action A program for starting other programs dependent on file types.
Files are shown, unpacked, executed, etc. dependent on a chosen
action. Executes (multiple) commands for each passed file
appropriate to the file type, which are described in a action
definition file. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Michael Suelmann
DTree Similar to "Tree" on the IBM PCs, displays a devices' "Tree"
heirarchy. While similar programs exist for the Amiga, they
don't use standard input/output. Standard i/o makes many
things possible, like piping, i/o redirection, etc.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Sam Yee
Eval A full-featured floating point expression evaluator that
can assign variables, has many built-in functions and
constants, allows input and output in any number base, and
uses a C-like syntax for expression evaluation. Full ANSI
C source is included and easily portable to other platforms.
Version 1.13, an update to version 1.12 on disk number 857.
Includes source.
Author: Will Menninger
MultiUser Allows you to create a Unix-like environment where several
users live together in harmony, unable to delete each others
files, unable to read those private love-letters of other
users... And this even if several users are working on the
machine at the same time (on a terminal hooked up to the
serial port) Version 1.4, requires OS2.04+ and a hard drive,
binary only.
Author: Geert Uytterhoeven
NullModem A software device that imitates two modems and a phone line,
on one machine. I wrote it whilst looking at the WPL script-
ing language, so that I could play around without having to
spend any money on expensive phone calls, but it can be used
for testing various other programs. Version 2.0, binary only.
Author: Iain Hibbert
TWC Two Way Chat & Send enables you to make use of your modem's
full-duplex feature - in fact, it can save you up to 50%
transmission time. With TWC you can connect to another guy
running TWC, then you may transmit file- AND chat-data at the
same time in both directions. GUI-driven, requires OS2.04+.
Version 3.101, an update to version 2.03 on disk number 801.
Binary only, shareware.
Author: Lutz Vieweg