This is disk 892 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DviHp A printer driver for HP LaserJet (trademark of the Hewlett
Packard Company) and compatible printers. It translates DVI
files, usually generated by TeX, to a code understood by
HP-LJ (PCL - printer control language). DviHp supports down-
loading fonts, which gives you extremely fast output. It
allows you to include IFF ILBM files into your documents.
Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Ales Pecnik
Gemini10X All-new printer driver for Star Gemini-10X and 15X printers.
Features graphics resolutions twice as high as the Commodore
provided "EpsonXOld" driver. Version 35.1, binary only.
Author: Michael Böhnisch
Indent A C source code formatter/indenter. Especially useful for
cleaning up inconsistently indented code. Version 1.8, an
update to version 1.7 on disk 821. Includes source.
Author: Various, Amiga port by Carsten Steger
Look A powerful program for creating and showing disk magazines.
Supports IFF pictures, IFF brushes, ANSI, fonts, PowerPacker,
and many more features. Programmed in assembly language to
be small and fast. German language only. Version 1.9, an
update to version 1.6 on disk 816. Shareware, binary only.
Author: André Voget
MouseAideDEMO DEMO version of a "Mouse" utility which has all the standard
functions: Mouse Acceleration with threshhold, window and
screen manipulation by mouse and keyboard, mouse and screen
blanking, SUN (auto-activation) mouse, user definable "hot
key" command, Keyboard "String" macros, etc... But also has
functions other "Mouse" programs do NOT, such as: Shell-
Cycling, Key Clicking, KeyClosing, Multi-Icon-Select with
Mouse, Middle Mouse Button Windowing, EZ-Date generation,
Mouse Port switching, Workbench to the front function, Ez-
Dragging, Freezing Mouse & Keyboard of all input, etc...
Now features an easy to use Pop-Up 2.xx style intuition
interface and the ability to function correctly in all the
new screen modes! Written in assembly for efficiency in size
and CPU usage. Version v9.69a, an update to version v7.12a
on disk 788, Binary only.
Author: Thomas J. Czarnecki
TeXPrt A front-end for DVI printer drivers with a (nice?) GUI. It is
highly configurable and can be used with various DVI printer
drivers. Configuration files for Georg Hessmann's DVIPrint
(PasTeX), DVILJP (AmigaTeX) and DVILJ2P (Gustaf Neumann) are
included. TeXPrt has an ARexx port and interprets 18 ARexx
commands. TeXPrt runs on an AppWindow and supports an
(optional) AppIcon for selecting DVI files. Needs at least
Kickstart 2.04. This is Version 2.0, freeware, includes
source in C.
Author: Richard A. Bödi