This is disk 889 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Csh Replacement for the Amiga shell, similar to UN*X csh. Main
features include over 100 built in commands, 70 functions,
new system variables, file name completion, freely
programmable command line editing, file classes, auto cd,
lazy cd, intuition menus for the shell window, automatic
RX-ing, local variables, $( ), statement blocks, high speed,
plus much more. This is version 5.31, an update to version
5.19 on disk 624. Includes source.
Author: A. Kirchwitz, U. Dominik Mueller, C. Borreo, S. Drew,
M. Dillon
DiskCat DiskCat is a disk cataloger. The files can be organized any
way you want. You can make and name any category you care to.
Categories and files can be moved. Through menu selection,
all disks that are inserted are automatically searched and the
useful information copied. A 40 char comment can be entered
for each file. The database can be searched and exported.
Version 1.3, requires OS 2.04+, binary only, shareware.
Author: Kenny Nagy
DxConverter Converts binary/hex/ULONG integers/ASCII/RAWKEY codes to
binary/hex/ULONG integer or ASCII. Fully intuitionalized.
Version 1.0, binary only, freeware.
Author: Kenny Nagy
SCSIutil A CLI utility to issue commands to a SCSI disk using a spe-
cific SCSI id number. Commands include inquiry, seek, start/
stop motor, read sector(s), play audio CD sectors, insert,
eject, read capacity, etc. Version 1.815, an update to
version 1.0 on disk number 669. Freeware, includes source.
Author: Gary Duncan and Heiko Rath