This is disk 851 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmigaWorld A database program that contains information about every
country on Earth. It enables you to have a look at the data
of one country, or to compare several countries. It is easy
to handle, and you can use it with your favourite colors,
font, and even language (at the moment there are English,
German, Swedish and Dutch data files). Requires 1MB of memory.
This is freeware version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on Disk
804, New features include information about currencies.
Modula-2 source is available from the author.
Author: Wolfgang Lug
ArmyMiner An utimate "XMines-type" game that integrates all of the best
aspects of the previous Amiga versions of the game. Options
include: Automatically mark or clean the neighbours of a
square; Safe start (no explosion at first click); Safe click
(gadget-like behavior for squares); Question marks (for con-
figuration analysis). You can also specify your own custom
board settings. The game has a very useful pause option,
sound effects, high-score tables and a very nice interface.
It works under OS v1.3 or 2.0, NTSC or PAL. Version 1.0,
binary only.
Author: Alain Laferriere
GraphPaper Creates graph paper. You specify the size and number of cycles
in both the X and Y directions. Each major cycle may be
divided into minor cycles and may be linear, logarithmic, or
log/log. It will print the graph paper on any preferences
supported graphics-capable printer. Version 1.2, includes
Author: Bill Ames
HyperANSI An ANSI editing program. Allows you to edit up to 999 pages
at a time, with a unique 'transparency' mode which allows you
to 'see through' the pages ( and save as a single page ).
Other features include; Copy, Move, Fill, Replace, Flood fill,
Text alignment & justification, line drawing, character paint-
ing (colors and/or text), half character painting, and keyboard
remapping for all 255 IBM characters ...Plus more. Version
1.6, an update to version 1.02 on disk 803. Shareware, binary
Author: Mike D. Nelson
SingleFile A small utility that can be used to determine if there are
duplicate files or directories on a given volume. It can be
used to help save hard disk space and reduce backp times.
CLI usage only, version 1.0, binary only, shareware
Author: Phil Dobranski