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Short:Fish disk 0744
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This is disk 744 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

AutoRunner	Automatically executes a CLI command line when you insert a
		disk into a drive.  All you do is put a special tag at the
		beginning of a comment in the disk's root directory.  After
		the comment tag, you put a normal CLI comand line.  AutoRunner
		then executes this command when the disk is inserted.  Version
		2.0, Pascal source included. 
		Author:  Jonathan Maxwell

FO		CLI based Fast Optimizer for AmigaDOS disks.  It can optimize
		one disk in less than 2 min, 30 sec.  Allows optimization for
		CLI or WorkBench usage, and allows you to use unformatted disks
		as the destination.  At least 1 Mb memory required.  This is
		version 1.3, an update to version 1.0 on disk 537.  Binary
		Author:  Fabien Campagne

FO2		Intuition-based version of FO, will run on a single drive
		machine.  Includes multiple destinations, automatic turn on
		upon disk insertion and more.  Requires 1.5M or more of 
		memory.  This is version v2.5, includes source.
		Author:  Fabien Campagne

Hextract	A complete header file reference.  Definitions, structures,
		structure members and offsets, flag values, library contents,
		function definitions, registers, library offsets, etc. The
		data from a set of V1.3 Amiga and Lattice header files is
		packed into the included file "headers.z" for immediate
		reference by Hextract.  Version 1.2, an update to version
		1.1 on disk 674.  Freeware, includes partial source.
		Author:  Chas A. Wyndham

IList		A simple list program which displays the data of all open
		screens and their connected windows.  OS 2.xx only.  Version
		0.1, PD, includes source.
		Author:  Hans-Peter Guenther

NFD		Newest File Date.  Searches the specified directory for the
		newest file, then returns that filename and path as an ARP
		global variable.  For people without ARP, it allows you to
		execute a command line, specified as a parameter, with the
		file name and path inserted at a specified point.  Sample
		usage would to be have a word processor automatically load
		the last file worked on when it was invoked.  Includes source
		in Pascal
		Author:  Jonathan Maxwell

P-Index		A program for creating active index/selector pages to replace
		the normal window/icon display.  Appearance of pages is only
		limited by the capabilities of your paint program and your 
		imagination.  Index lines can be shown as arrays of boxes (as
		with current "selector" programs), or as icon look-alikes, or
		anything else you fancy, with normally a large saving in disk
		space.  Freeware, binary only.
		Author:  Chas A.Wyndham

P-Reader	An all purpose reader that displays texts, pictures, animations
		and sounds, which may be uncompressed or compressed with
		P-Compress.  Texts can include embedded static or animated
		illustrations and sounds.  This is version 6.2, an update to
		version 5.2 on disk 595.  Freeware, binary only.
		Author:  Chas A. Wyndham

Statistics	Provides statistical data on ASCII text files regarding file
		length, number of letters, words and sentences, average word
		length, etc.  Written in assembler for minimum size and maxi-
		mum speed.  Version 1.26, binary only.
		Author:  Nico Max

Contents of misc/fish/fish-0744.lha
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