This is disk 389 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Kick Another screen hack, specifically for A500/A2000 owners.
I don't want to spoil any surprises but reportedly causes
some machines to crash. Binary only.
Author: Tony Solomon, Paul Fortin
Plot A 3-D function plotting program with provisions for
coordinate translation on both axes, parametric equations,
and standardized notation of the pow function (x^y -- which
now works as specified.). This is version 5.1, an update
to version 4.1 on disk 175, with some enhancements and bug
fixes. Binary only.
Author: Terry Gintz
PolySys An extended version of the 0L-system (string rewriting)
described in The Science of Fractal Images (edited by
Pietgen and Saupe). The basic algorithm has been expanded
and modified extensively, and looping commands similiar to
those found in other Turtle graphics systems (Logo, etc)
have been added. Support for three-dimensional drawing,
with perspective, is also included. Version 1.0, binary
Author: Terry Gintz
Retab Useful command-line "tab-to-space" and "space-to-tab"
expansion utility. Several command-line options to specify
size/settings and the ability to protect material enclosed
by delimiters (quotes, brackets, carats, etc.) from
expansion. Version 1.03, binary only.
Author: Paul Klink
ZPlot Graphs formulas based on 4-D complex number planes. ZPlot
currently supports the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, and
Phoenix curves, with over 500 mapping variations. The math
functions supported include sin(z), sinh(z), z^z, e^z, z^n,
sqrt(z), cos(z), cosh(z), tan(z), tanh(z), log(z), ln(z)
and n^z. Version 1.3d, binary only
Author: Terry Gintz