This is disk 388 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Calc A shell style, command-line calculator. Calc does not
have a fancy keypad display as many other calculator
programs do. Instead, it is capable of taking its input
from a file, the keyboard, or a command line and output-
ting its results to a file or the screen. It can also
apply a single equation to all of the values stored in a
file (or files). It handles all common mathematical
expressions, can optionally predefine physical constants
and store variables. Version 2.0, binary only.
Author: Bill Dimm
DClock A "Dumb Clock" utility that displays the date and time
in the Workbench screen title bar. This is version 1.27,
an update version 1.12 disk number 325. Many more useful
enhancements/bug fixes, including an ARexx interface.
Includes source.
Author: Olaf Barthel
DIEd A full-screen ANSI editor including an animation utility.
Provides PAL and NTSC compatibility. Many useful features
such as horizontal and vertical block cut/pasting operations,
line/block/screen centering, save defaults and more.
Version 2.4, binary only.
Author: P-E Raue
Free Display how much free space (bytes or blocks) you have on any
or all of your mounted disk volumes. Runs from CLI only.
Based on "Free" by Tom Smythe on Fish Disk 66, but totally
rewritten and enhanced. Version 1.01, includes source.
Author: Daniel Jay Barrett
KeyMapEd Allows you to change the KeyMaps used with SetMap. This
is a full featured editor providing support for normal,
string and dead keys. The keyboard represented is from
an A3000/A2000/A500 but it is fully compatible with A1000
keyboards. This is version 1.1i, an update to version
1.02 on disk number 193, binary only.
Author: Tim Friest
SnoopDos A utility for monitoring AmigaDOS calls. In particular,
it allows you to see what libraries, devices, fonts,
environment variables or startup files a program is looking
for. Very useful when you're trying to install a new
application. Version 1.0, includes source in C.
Author: Eddy Carroll