This is disk 379 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Append CLI utility that allows you to directly append one or
more files to another without having to use the
roundabout methods necessary with the AmigaDOS "join"
command. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Oliver Enseling
FileEncrypt Another intuition based file encryptor to enable you to
scramble your highly secret, hard earned source code and
prevent your co-workers from taking credit for it!
Includes (unscrambled) source.
Author: Lorenz Wiest
LLSort Replacement for the AmigaDOS SORT command. Pure bit set
and may be made resident. Features COLSTART and FIELDS
parameters and sorts in either ascending/descending
order. Also sorts with or without case sensitivity.
Binary only.
Author: Les Leist
TheA64Package A comprehensive emulator/utility package to assist
Commodore 64 users in upgrading to the Amiga. According
to the author, this package compares to or surpasses the
commercially available packages of the same nature. Many
of the utilities require a hardware interface that allow
the Amiga to access C64 peripherals such as disk drives
and printers. The hardware interface is free with a
shareware donation to the author. Version 1.00, binary
Author: Cliff Dugan, QuesTronix
Xnum A useful CLI conversion utility that takes a decimal,
binary, octal or hex number as input and displays the
number in all four formats. Binary only.
Author: Oliver Enseling
Yawn! A small WorkBench sliding block puzzle to keep your
mind and fingers busy while your compiler is busy
crunching away on your highly secret, hard earned
source code that you hopefully remembered to unscramble
first! Features selectable size from 4x4 to 7x7 and
European, Hindi or Arabic numerals. Includes source.
Author: Lorenz Wiest