This is disk 368 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Elements Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table
of Elements. This is version 2.0, an update to version
1.3a on disk 297. This version adds general row and column
information, plus a test mode where the program asks specific
questions about the selected element or row/column. Binary
only, shareware.
Author: Paul Thomas Miller
GraphicsPak A set of functions for general graphics operations such as
boxes/lines, blitting, and opening/closing the libraries.
It is used by both of the PopMenu and ListWindow test
programs. Includes source.
Author: Paul Thomas Miller
Lila A shareware utility that allows you to print listings or
other text files on Postscript printers, with header,
page numbers, and multicolumn pages. Can print in portrait
or landscape orientation. Version 8912a, binary only.
Author: Bertrand Gros
ListWindow Gives simple initialization, handling, and freeing of
Macintosh-like "list-windows." These are user-sizeable
windows with a scrollable list of text strings, optionally
sortable. The list can be scrolled with a scroll-bar, up
and down arrows, arrow keys, or a SHIFT+key combination
which searches for the first occurance of the specified
key. Source and a sample program included.
Author: Paul Thomas Miller
NewEx An assembly program to replace xicon, IconX and similar
utilities. Unique in the fact that it uses a WorkBench
"Tool" icon instead of a "Project" icon. This allows
workbench startup of programs that could ordinarily only
be started by the CLI. Version 1.1, includes assembly
Author: Kjell Cederfeldt
PopMenu A set of functions for the setting up, drawing, and
handling of pop-up menus that are affixed to windows.
Clicking on the menu box area will open up the full menu,
with the list of menu items inside. Source and a sample
program included.
Author: Paul Thomas Miller
SuperMenu An information display system you can use to quickly and
easily display text files (and sections of text files) with
the press of a button. Version 2.0, shareware, binary only.
Author: Paul Thomas Miller
SysInfo A program which reports interesting information about the
configuration of your machine, including some speed
comparisons with other configurations, versions of the
OS software, etc. Version 1.4, binary only.
Author: Nic Wilson
Today Amiga implementation of IBM PL/1 history program. Tells
you important events and birthdays on current or specified
day. Command line options include once-per-day setting for
startup sequences. Version 0.91, binary only, shareware.
Author: David Plummer, data files originally from an IBM
VM/CMS version by Mike Butler