This is disk 350 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Icons A large variety of icons for many uses, of practically
every description. Most are animated.
Author: Bradley W. Schenck
MemMometer A program that opens a narrow window and graphically
displays your memory usage like a gauge. Based on
WFrags, by Tomas Rokicki. Version 2.10, includes source.
Author: Howard Hull
Stitchery This shareware program loads in IFF images and creates
charted patterns from them for use in counted cross-stitch
and other forms of needlework. It requires one megabyte of
memory to run, and works best with a good high-resolution
printer for printing the patterns. The Stitchery was
written with The Director and the Projector is included.
Version 1.21.
Author: Bradley W. Schenck
TrackUtils Two utilities that deal with disk tracks. TCopy copies one
or more tracks from one disk to another, and is useful for
copying part of a floppy disk into RAD: during bootup.
TFile creates a dummy file which "marks" a specified range
of tracks, preventing AmigaDOS from using them and allowing
them to be used for raw trackdisk data. Includes C source.
Author: Eddy Carroll