This is disk 346 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Az A nice little text editor that is fast, simple to use,
and very Amiga'ized. This is version 1.50, an update
to version 1.40 on disk 228, with lots of new features,
bug fixes, and other improvements. Binary only.
Author: Jean-Michel Forgeas
CassEti Cassette tape label printer. Includes source in GFA
Author: Thorsten Ludwig
FME Patch to AllocMem() to allow badly designed programs which
request fast mem without necessity to be run on 512k
machines. Includes source in assembler.
Author: Holger Lubitz
GoWB Very small (296 bytes) and effective replacement for the
well known "LoadWB" and "EndCLI" command pair. This release
fixes a severe bug in the first version which used to guru
if run out of a script. Includes source in C.
Author: Oliver Wagner
PacketSupport A link library, for use with Lattice C, providing a few
functions to handle DOS packet postage. Includes source.
Author: Oliver Wagner
PatchNTSC OS fix to allow the growing number of PAL display programs
to be run on NTSC machines. Will patch the Intuition
OpenScreen() function to assure screens with PAL height to
be opened in interlace mode. Includes source in assembler.
Author: Oliver Wagner
TextPaint Second major release of the Ansi editor. All major bugs
have been fixed, and a bunch of new options have been added,
e.g. possibility to reload ansi files or CLI modules, 4
color option, optimized keyboard layout, new drawing modes,
right mouse button support (like DeluxePaint) and much more.
Binary only, shareware.
Author: Oliver Wagner
Timetest Working example to show the time() and gmtime() functions of
the Lattice C support library. Includes source in C.
Author: Oliver Wagner
WBD Possibly the smallest utility to set the workbench screen
to any depth. Includes source in C.
Author: Oliver Wagner