This is disk 334 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
FBM An Amiga port of the Fuzzy PixMap image manipulation
library. This package allows manipulation and conversion
of a variety of color and B&W image formats. Supported
formats include Sun rasterfiles, GIF, IFF, PCX, PBM
bitmaps, "face" files, and FBM files. Also has input
converters for raw images, like DigiView files, and
output converters for PostScript and Diablo graphics.
Besides doing format conversion, some of the other image
manipulation operations supported include rectangular
extraction, density and contrast changes, rotation,
quantization, halftone grayscaling, edge sharpening,
and histograms. Version 0.9, binary only.
Author: Michael Mauldin; Amiga port by Kenn Barry
PPMore A "more" replacement program that reads normal ascii text
files as well as files crunched with PowerPacker. The
crunched files can result in consider disk space savings.
Version 1.5, binary only.
Author: Nico Francois
PPShow A "show" program for normal IFF ILBM files or ILBM files
crunched with PowerPacker. The decrunching is done auto-
matically as the file is read. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Nico Francois
WhatIs A neat little utility which not only recognizes a wide
variety of file types (executables, IFF, icons, zoo files,
etc), but prints interesting information about the structure
or contents of the recognized file types. Version 1.2a,
binary only.
Author: J. Tyberghein