This is disk 328 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AnalytiCalc A full featured system for numerical analysis and
reporting. Includes a spreadsheet, graphics programs,
documents and facilities for performing many commonly
needed functions. Features include an 18000 by 18000
cell spreadsheet using virtual memory, random access
to other saved spreadsheet formulas or values, easy
save or merge of partial sheets, up to 400 windows on
screen, ability to drive any cell from external macros,
built in matrix algebra, random number generation,
date arithemetic, and much more. This is version
V24-01a, an update to version V23-2A on disk 176.
Binary only.
Author: Glenn Everhart
Hames Some miscellaneous programs from Chris Hames. DirWork
V1.01 is a fast, small, simple efficient DirUtility.
FSDirs V1.3 is a floppy accelerator program. VMK V27
is a small virus detector/killer that knows about 27
different viruses and can detect new ones. NoInfo V1.0
stops programs from producing ".info" files. Binaries
Author: Chris Hames
RoadRoute A trip planner that takes a list of cities and a list
of known routes between cities, and generates the distance
and time required to reach your destination. This is an
update to version 1.0 on disk 251, with an expanded
datebase of cities and roads for New Mexico, Texas,
Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Louisiana,
Arkansas, Missouri, Colorado and Mississippi, added by
Fred Mayes and Gary Delzer. Includes source.
Author: Jim Butterfield, Fred Mayes, Gary Delzer