This is disk 304 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
All of this material was submitted on disk directly by the author,
Joel Swank, for inclusion in the library. Thanks Joel!
Circles A circles pattern generator, reminiscent of one of the
early Amiga demos. Version 1.1, includes source in C.
Author: Joel Swank
DocSplit A program to split the 1.3 autodoc files into individual
subroutine files. One file is created for each subroutine,
with the name created by appending ".doc" to the subroutine
name. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Joel Swank
Gears A program to calculate and display the gears of a multispeed
bicycle. Works for bicycles with 3 to 21 gear combinations.
Version 1.1, includes source.
Author: Joel Swank
IRA Allows easy calculation of future values of investment.
Enter the beginning investment value, annual percentage
rate, annual deposit amount, and number of years, to
compute the future value. Version 2.0, includes source.
Author: Joel Swank
Lines A color line pattern generator, adapted from Mackie.
Version 1.1, includes source.
Author: Joel Swank
Mean18 Two custom golf courses for Mean 18.
Author: Joel Swank
Multic Formats a single column of input into multiple side by
side columns. Includes source.
Author: Joel Swank
PageCnt Counts and displays the number of form feeds in a file,
along with the length of the longest line. Version 1.0,
includes source.
Author: Joel Swank
Skel A skeleton workbench application that makes writing
workbench programs easier. Provides routines for main,
initialization and termination, gadget and menu handling,
argument processing, help window, about requester, etc.
Version 1, includes source.
Author: Joel Swank
SuperRetLab Prints return address labels 3-up on single-wide 3.5 inch
by 7/16/ inch label stock. Can print up to 5 lines per
label. Version 1.1, includes source.
Author: Joel Swank
Verify Walks a directory hierarchy reading all files, reporting
any files that can't be entirely read. Version 1.2,
includes source.
Author: Joel Swank