============================== README.list79 =============================
This is disk 79 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
AsmTools Some CLI type tools, written in assembler (echo,
loadit, mounted, setlace, why). Includes source.
Author: Bryce Nesbitt
AssignDev Assigns multiple names to a given device. For example,
allows the names "df0:" and "df3:" to refer to the
same physical device. Includes source.
Author: Phillip Lindsay
AuxHandler Example of a dos handler that allows use of a CLI via
the serial port. Includes source.
Author: Steve Drew
Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output
to a file. Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging
or "offline" printing. Includes source.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
Info Replacement for the AmigaDOS info command. Includes source.
Author: Chuck McManis
Kill Removes a task and as much of its resources as possible.
Can close windows, unload process code, etc. Includes
Author: George Musser
M2Error M2error can be used to display compile errors produced by
the TDI Modula-2 compiler, like the m2error supplied
by TDI. Includes source.
Author: Richie Bielak
MonProc An enhanced version of the process packet monitoring
program from disk number 69. Includes source.
Author: Phillip Lindsay, enhancements by Davide Cervone
Mounted A little program to run from CLI scripts to find out if
a disk is mounted or not. Includes source.
Author: Peter DaSilva
Nro Another roff style text formatter. Includes source.
Author: Unknown, posted to usenet by Alan Vymetalik
ParTask Example program for finding the parent task of your current
task. Includes source.
Author: Andry Rachmat
QueryAny Simple program for use in CLI scripts to query for yes/no
decisions. Includes assembler source.
Author: Mark Smith
ScnSizer Sets the preferences data for increasing the window bounds,
and takes effect immediately. Includes source.
Author: Thad Floryan
SharedLib Working example of how to build a shared library. Includes
Author: James Synge
Task Simple example of how to use CreateTask. Includes source.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
Uw Unix Windows client for the Amiga. Version 1.00, includes
Author: Michael McInerny
Who Lists tasks on the ready and wait queues. Includes source.
Author: George Musser