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============================== README.list73 =============================

This is disk 73 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.

Add		Lets you create keyboard shortcuts for selection of menu
		items in programs where the author did not make provisions
		for such shortcuts, or chose ones that disagree with you.
		Also includes "until" which waits for a specific named
		window to be created.  Shareware, includes source.
		Author:  John Russell

AutoIconOpen	Example code to fool WorkBench into thinking it is receiving
		mouse inputs that select and open icons.  Includes source.
		Author:  Tony Wills

Dio		A module which makes it very easy to use EXEC devices,
		such as the 'serial.device'.  It's generic and can be
		used with any EXEC device.  It allows you to easily open
		libraries, get multiple IO channels for a device,
		read, write, do asyncronous operations, etc.  Includes
		Author:  Matt Dillon

Dissolve	A program like ViewILBM, but the image slowly coalesces
		as pixels are added in random patterns.  Inspired by an
		article in Nov 86 issue of Doctor Dobb's Journal by 
		Mike Morton.  Includes source.
		Author:  Lee Robertson

DTerm		Small, flexible, terminal program with intelligent data
		mapping, intelligent keyboard mapping, dynamic menus,
		intelligent command language, asyncronous IO, duplex
		control, and a state machine structure allowing you
		to build any automatic control structure you wish
		(from auto-redial, sequence dialing, to auto-logon).
		Version 1.10, binary only.
		Author:  Matt Dillon

Expose		Program which will automatically cause all screen
		drag bars and screen depth-arrangers to become exposed.
		Sends a message to windows which obscure the screen drag
		bars, asking them to move down a pixel, and also
		to become smaller if necessary.  Includes source.
		Author:  John Russell

Lit		Lit filters a file to stdout, showing all characters
		in an unambiguous format.  Printable characters are 
		printed as is, non-printable characters are printed
		in any of three representation formats.  Version 2.0,
		includes source.
		Author:  Donald Irving

Lmv		This shareware program, submitted by the author, is
		called "Long Movie".  It loads up to 100 IFF graphics
		files and displays them in forward or reverse order,
		at up to 19 frames per second, to create computer
		animations for VCR recording.  Binary only, source
		available from author.
		Author:  Jim Webster

MouseOff	Mouseoff will cause the mouse pointer to disappear and
		then reappear if mouse movement is detected.  It will
		disappear again after 10 seconds of no mousing around.
		Includes source.
		Author:  Denny Jenkins

ParOut		An example that uses the parallel port resources
		(ciaa.resource and misc.resource) to access the parallel
		port directly.  Compiled, but untested, since I have
		nothing hooked to mine.  Includes source.
		Author:  Phillip Lindsay

PenPalFont	A font which will make your six year old feel right
		at home in a CLI window.  Cute.
		Author:  Burton Ogden

RunBackGround	Ancient history, but when I went looking for it on
		my disks, it was apparently something I missed.  This
		program performs a function similar to that performed
		by RunBack on disk number 66, but this one is in
		C rather than assembler.  Includes source.
		Author:  Rob Peck

SnapShot	A small utility for dumping screens.  This one works
		like POPCLI and stays dormant until you press Ctrl-Esc.
		Previous release on disk number 66 did not with with
		expansion ram, this one does.  Binary only.
		Author:  Francois Rouaix

TypeAndTell	Example program that demonstrates installation of
		an input device handler before the Intuition one.
		This example traps all keys typed by the user and
		pronounces them in real time.  To quit press CNTL
		Includes source.
		Author:  Giorgio Galeotti

Xplor		A program that scans all the system lists that start in
		ExecBase and prints out their names and addresses at
		which they start.  Includes assembly source.
		Author:  Larry Phillips


Contents of misc/fish/fish-0073.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3140    5875  53.4% -lh5- 560e Apr 27  1987 Add/add
[generic]                 1432    3579  40.0% -lh5- b3f7 Apr 27  1987 Add/add.c
[generic]                 2283    4526  50.4% -lh5- 96e6 Apr 27  1987 Add/add.doc
[generic]                 2321    4280  54.2% -lh5- ca4c Apr 27  1987 Add/add2
[generic]                 3114    5920  52.6% -lh5- ee5b Apr 27  1987 Add/add2.uue
[generic]                  576     934  61.7% -lh5- e13b Apr 27  1987 Add/POSTER
[generic]                 1041    1783  58.4% -lh5- 4e7a Apr 27  1987 Add/POSTER2
[generic]                 2274    4180  54.4% -lh5- 07c3 Apr 27  1987 Add/until
[generic]                 1548    3542  43.7% -lh5- 19d7 Apr 27  1987 Add/until.c
[generic]                 3047    5784  52.7% -lh5- b90d Apr 27  1987 Add/until.uue
[generic]                 1657    5133  32.3% -lh5- 791d Apr 27  1987 AutoIconOpen/AutoIconOpen.c
[generic]                 3459    6548  52.8% -lh5- 47c5 Apr 27  1987 AutoIconOpen/AutoIconOpen.lattice
[generic]                 1293    2092  61.8% -lh5- a29f Apr 27  1987 AutoIconOpen/AutoIconOpen.manx32
[generic]                  123     170  72.4% -lh5- a92a Apr 27  1987 AutoIconOpen/README.fnf
[generic]                 3481    9705  35.9% -lh5- 6245 Apr 27  1987 Dio/dio.c
[generic]                 1538    4391  35.0% -lh5- f2a6 Apr 27  1987 Dio/dio.h
[generic]                  687    1084  63.4% -lh5- caac Apr 27  1987 Dio/POSTER
[generic]                  279     644  43.3% -lh5- d410 Apr 27  1987 Dio/xmisc.h
[generic]                 1095    3407  32.1% -lh5- 22c3 Apr 27  1987 Dissolve/blit.c
[generic]                  118     284  41.5% -lh5- 5420 Apr 27  1987 Dissolve/defs.c
[generic]                 6196   11152  55.6% -lh5- 2a86 Apr 27  1987 Dissolve/dissolve
[generic]                 5476   17638  31.0% -lh5- 0930 Apr 27  1987 Dissolve/dissolve.c
[generic]                  135     218  61.9% -lh5- b047 Apr 27  1987 Dissolve/makefile
[generic]                 1361    2891  47.1% -lh5- 261e Apr 27  1987 Dissolve/readme
[generic]                15330   27572  55.6% -lh5- 6319 Apr 28  1987 DTerm/DTerm
[generic]                10811   27171  39.8% -lh5- 4e3f Apr 27  1987 DTerm/DTerm.doc
[generic]                  989    1702  58.1% -lh5- 0aec Apr 27  1987 DTerm/POSTER
[generic]                 1366    2152  63.5% -lh5- b589 Apr 27  1987 Expose/expose
[generic]                 1346    2896  46.5% -lh5- 16ff Apr 27  1987 Expose/expose.c
[generic]                 1804    2991  60.3% -lh5- 2d05 Apr 27  1987 Expose/expose.uue
[generic]                 1276    2329  54.8% -lh5- 22af Apr 27  1987 Expose/POSTER
[generic]                  813    1441  56.4% -lh5- 0ad0 Apr 27  1987 Expose/POSTER2
[generic]                  361     512  70.5% -lh5- 87af Apr 27  1987 Lit/allbytes
[generic]                 4349    7712  56.4% -lh5- 2716 Apr 27  1987 Lit/lit
[generic]                 3353    8925  37.6% -lh5- e427 Apr 27  1987 Lit/lit.c
[generic]                 4200   10795  38.9% -lh5- 9329 Apr 27  1987 Lit/
[generic]                 3943    9659  40.8% -lh5- d018 Apr 27  1987 Lit/
[generic]                  625    1168  53.5% -lh5- ee1e Apr 27  1987 Lit/readme
[generic]                  155     210  73.8% -lh5- ee6f Apr 27  1987 Lit/readme.fnf
[generic]                17841   20762  85.9% -lh5- 75cb Apr 27  1987 Lmv/00
[generic]                18136   21102  85.9% -lh5- 86c4 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/01
[generic]                16887   19872  85.0% -lh5- e377 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/02
[generic]                17130   20324  84.3% -lh5- 001c Apr 27  1987 Lmv/03
[generic]                17426   20678  84.3% -lh5- d232 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/04
[generic]                17239   20692  83.3% -lh5- 5db0 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/05
[generic]                18978   23048  82.3% -lh5- 3443 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/06
[generic]                20808   25128  82.8% -lh5- f663 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/07
[generic]                20464   24520  83.5% -lh5- 5d40 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/08
[generic]                19931   23896  83.4% -lh5- bb6b Apr 27  1987 Lmv/09
[generic]                19653   23630  83.2% -lh5- 847a Apr 27  1987 Lmv/10
[generic]                18130   22200  81.7% -lh5- ce28 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/11
[generic]                17139   21374  80.2% -lh5- 2458 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/12
[generic]                17548   21790  80.5% -lh5- aa2d Apr 27  1987 Lmv/13
[generic]                15721   19812  79.4% -lh5- 1802 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/14
[generic]                 7403   13372  55.4% -lh5- ce00 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/Lmv
[generic]                10631   20500  51.9% -lh5- 747f Apr 27  1987 Lmv/Lmv2
[generic]                 3488   10856  32.1% -lh5- 2550 Apr 27  1987 Lmv/README
[generic]                 4252    9240  46.0% -lh5- 7e1b Apr 27  1987 MouseOff/MouseOff
[generic]                  844    2246  37.6% -lh5- 4de6 Apr 27  1987 MouseOff/MouseOff.c
[generic]                  268     501  53.5% -lh5- cf16 Apr 27  1987 MouseOff/ReadMe
[generic]                  363    1014  35.8% -lh5- 5362 Apr 27  1987 ParOut/getfreemisc.asm
[generic]                  105     128  82.0% -lh5- ff3d Apr 27  1987 ParOut/getfreemisc.o
[generic]                 3505    6192  56.6% -lh5- 2f43 Apr 27  1987 ParOut/parout
[generic]                 1398    3812  36.7% -lh5- 6b56 Apr 27  1987 ParOut/parout.c
[generic]                  746    1432  52.1% -lh5- 5a02 Apr 27  1987 ParOut/POSTER
[generic]                 2681    5068  52.9% -lh5- 86ac Apr 27  1987 PenPalFont/PenPal.18
[generic]                   30     264  11.4% -lh5- 9933 Apr 27  1987 PenPalFont/penpal.font
[generic]                 1645    3831  42.9% -lh5- b8de Apr 27  1987 PenPalFont/ppReadMe
[generic]                  651    1334  48.8% -lh5- 7d48 Apr 27  1987 README.dist
[generic]                 2022    4169  48.5% -lh5- a441 Apr 28  1987 README.list73
[generic]                  461     782  59.0% -lh5- be25 Apr 27  1987 RunBackGround/README
[generic]                 1827    3268  55.9% -lh5- 6c6d Apr 27  1987 RunBackGround/RunBackGround
[generic]                 3183    7413  42.9% -lh5- 3690 Apr 27  1987 RunBackGround/RunBackGround.c
[generic]                 4251   10001  42.5% -lh5- 16db Apr 27  1987 RunBackGround/RunBackGround.doc
[generic]                  476     723  65.8% -lh5- 0002 Apr 27  1987 SnapShot/POSTER
[generic]                10463   22104  47.3% -lh5- 3150 Apr 27  1987 SnapShot/snapshot
[generic]                14281   30483  46.8% -lh5- 8098 Apr 27  1987 SnapShot/snapshot.uue
[generic]                  132     275  48.0% -lh5- 6538 Apr 27  1987 TypeAndTell/HandlerI.asm
[generic]                 8352   16892  49.4% -lh5- c7f7 Apr 27  1987 TypeAndTell/TypeAndTell
[generic]                 5151   19869  25.9% -lh5- 705a Apr 27  1987 TypeAndTell/TypeAndTell.c
[generic]                  859    2711  31.7% -lh5- 74ba Apr 27  1987 Xplor/macros.basic
[generic]                  359    1113  32.3% -lh5- d8c7 Apr 27  1987 Xplor/
[generic]                 3832   12856  29.8% -lh5- 950f Apr 27  1987 Xplor/macros.opt
[generic]                  196     361  54.3% -lh5- 065c Apr 27  1987 Xplor/make
[generic]                  501     865  57.9% -lh5- 57ad Apr 27  1987 Xplor/readme
[generic]                  803    1584  50.7% -lh5- 84ab Apr 27  1987 Xplor/xplor
[generic]                 1635    5040  32.4% -lh5- b4ba Apr 27  1987 Xplor/xplor.asm
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        87 files  468220  762122  61.4%            Feb 16  1996
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