============================== README.list69 =============================
This is disk 69 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.0.3, binary
only. Well documented.
Author: W. Wesley Howe
BlitLab Blitlab is a program which lets you experiment with
the blitter, to your hearts content, in relative safety.
It opens a workbench window with gadgets for all the
registers of the blitter, and allows you to manipulate
individual registers and perform blits on a magnified
bitmap. Includes source.
Author: Tomas Rokicki
Conman A replacement console handler that provides line editing
and command line history. Is completely transparent to
any application program that uses CON: windows. Programs
that use RAW: input are not affected. VERY useful.
Shareware version 0.9, binary only (source to be available
from author).
Author: William Hawes
Console Console is a try at a new set of routines to get around some
of the problems with the standard system routines, and
includes some simple graphics routines. Includes source.
Author: Jim Cooper
Dk A little display hack, inspired by Leo's gems. Written
in Modula-2, includes source. Slightly newer than version
on disk number 66.
Author: Thomas Handel
Frags Reports the number of free blocks of size 2^(n-1) to
(2^n)-1 for n up to 24 (blocks of max size 16Mb-1).
Translation: Gives you some idea of how fragmented
your free memory is. Includes source.
Author: Mike Meyer
IconType Change the type of an icon after editing with IconEd.
Types are Disk, Drawer, Tool, Project, Garbage, and Device.
Includes source.
Author: Larry Phillips
Make Public domain make from mod.sources, Volume 7, number 91.
It has been cleaned up, Manx'ified, and some new features
added, by Steve Walton. Includes source.
Author: "caret@fairlight.OZ"
MonProc A simple program to allow you to monitor any process for
packet activity. Includes source.
Author: Phillip Lindsay
MouseClock Turns your mouse pointer into a digital clock with
updates once per minute. Includes source.
Author: John Hoffman
Sb Structure browser, that displays system structures
via pointers found in other structures. You start
from IntuitionBase and go from there. Version 1.0,
includes source.
Author: Nick Sullivan and Chris Zamara
Spew Program which generates amusing 'National Enquirer'
type headlines. Works from a 'rules file' which
describes how the headlines are to be constructed.
Includes source.
Author: Gregory Smith (original by "mark@pixar")
Spool The SPOOL system consists of 3 programs: A queue manager,
a printer driver, and a SPOOL request program. The SPOOL
system demonstrates the power of the Amiga's mutitasking
abilities in a very practical way. It makes extensive use
of Amiga Exec's message passing facilities and list-handling
primitives. Version 1.2, includes source.
Author: Tim Holloway
Wc A "word count" program, ala Unix's wc, that is faster
because it doesn't count what you don't ask for, plus
some other improvements. Includes source.
Author: Steve Summit