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Short:IBM 1130 simulator, SIMH-based
Author: brian at (Brian Knittel)
Uploader:polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Download:misc/emu/ibm1130.lha - View contents

Here's the 1130 simulator as it stands now.

Status: 25Oct2012

 * Added plotter and 2250 GDU support (though, we don't
   have the 2250 support library)

 * Numerous fixes, especially the error in compiling
   the FORTRAN sqrt() function under extended precision.

Status: 22Jul2003

 * Added support for APL\1130 output translations
   and some bug fixes uncovered by APL.

Status: 13Sep2002

 * Added support for 1403 printer. It's MUCH faster
   even in emulation. Not important for general use,
   but it will help the CGI version a lot.

Status: 16Aug2002

 * Disk Monitor System R2V12 is available including the
   Macro Assembler, Fortran Compiler and System Library.

 * There was a bug in the multiply instruction. This has
   been fixed, and now the single precision trig functions
   work correctly.

 * The card punch does not yet work correctly.

 * The card reader, punch and disk don't compute their device
   status word until an XIO requests it; this is probably bad
   as the "examine" command will show the wrong value. Doesn't
   affect functioning of emulated software, though.

 * Documentation is a work in progress, see ibm1130.doc
   in  We hope to have it finished in
   October. This is a Word document. Will distribute as a
   PDF when it's finished.

 * Thanks to Oscar E Wyss ( for
   the DMS V12 source code listings and one card
   programs, to Douglas W. Jones for the DMS V10, 11 and
   12 microfiche (which will end up scanned on

 * Thanks to Robert Alan Byer for adding the 1130
   to the simh makefiles & testing the builds on several

 * For updated information about the 1130 and for
   future 1130 OS and application software developments,
   check periodically.  Sign up for the
   mailing list to get updates as they occur!

 * Cross-assembler has been updated to handle card image input
   correctly. The DMS sources seems to mix up @ and '
   as a leading symbol in labels, I have to find out why
   this is.

BUILD NOTES: if you download this simulator directly from, the makefile, source, and binaries are all in
the main directory. If you use the version from Bob Supnik's
SIMH distribution, the makefile is in the main simh
directory, and the SCP files used are Bob's.  For a
Windows build, use the .mak file in the IBM1130 directory,
as this incorporates the GUI.

Make the utilities in the utils directory if you want
to actually build and load DMS from scratch.  Move the
executables to a common directory in your search path

Brian Knittel

Some sample things to run:
(it's best to hit CHECK RESET or type "reset" between program runs!)

* Run a Fortran Program
        do job roots
	do job csort

* List the monitor system disk's contents
	do job list

* Look into the files "job", "roots.job" and "csort.job" and "list.job"
  to see the actual input files

* When the jobs have run (stop at 2A with 1000 in the
  accumulator), detach the printer (det prt) and look at
  the output file: for.lst or asm.lst. The supplied "job"
  script displays the print output automatically on Windows


There are several programs:

	ibm1130		the simulator
	asm1130		cross assembler
	bindump		dumps contents of relocatable format object decks (xxx.bin)
	checkdisk	validates DMS disk format
	diskview	dumps contents of DMS disk directory
	mkboot		creates IPL and Core Image Format Decks from .bin
	viewdeck	displays contents of Hollerith-format binary decks

Files in the software (sw) directory:

   actual 1130 software:
        dms.dsk         disk image file containing Disk Monitor System
	zdcip.asm	disk cartridge initialization program
        zcrdumpc.asm    a cold-start-mode one card memory dump program
        dmsboot.asm     source code for the DMS cold start loader

   contributed software:
	onecard/*	one-card programs from Oscar Wyss

Status of the simulator:

* There is a reasonably fun console GUI available for Windows builds,
  as well as support for the 2250 graphical display.

* The card reader emulator now supports deck files with literal cards and
  breakpoints. The command "attach cr @filename" tells the simulator to
  read data from the files named in the specified file. Input lines are of
  the following form:

   filename a                 -- input file to be read as ascii text
   filename b                 -- input file to be read as binary card images
   !xyz...                    -- literal text xyz..., treated as a card
   !break                     -- halts the simulator
   #comment                   -- remarks

* The do command may have arguments after the filename. These may be
  interpolated in the script and in card reader deck files with %1, %2, etc

sample usage

	starts SIMH-based simulator. 
        Optional command line arguments: -q quiet mode, -g no GUI


	* Windows builds display a console window

	* CPU activity log

		the command "attach cpu file.log" will make the simulator
		write a detailed log of CPU and IO activity, good for
		debugging. Turn off with "detach cpu".

	* DO command [arg1 arg2...]
		reads file 'filename' for SIMH commands. Lets you write
		simh command files to be run from the prompt rather
		than just the command line. In the do command file, %1 will
                be replaced by the first command line argument, etc. This
                applies to the script run from the ibm1130 command line too.

        * DELETE filename
                deletes the named file

        * VIEW filename
                displays the named file with "notepad." (Windows only). 

asm1130 -l program.asm

	compiles source file, creates simulator load
	file (program.out) and listing file (program.lst)

	The cross assembler wants files either in strict column
	layout matching the IBM spec, or, if tabs are present in the
	source file,


	The output file is in the format used by the 1130 simulator's
	load command.


Note: the DMS disk is built with the Windows batch file "mkdms.bat".

Subnote: DMS cannot be built with the 1130's native assembler.

check for updates...

Contents of misc/emu/ibm1130.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 4543    4668  97.3% -lh5- a297 May 24  2014
[generic]                 4384  381318   1.1% -lh5- 0ac8 Sep  8  2003 ibm1130/1130consoleblank.bmp
[generic]                  222    6278   3.5% -lh5- 2b9c Sep 11  2003 ibm1130/1132empty.bmp
[generic]                  353    6278   5.6% -lh5- f5eb Sep 11  2003 ibm1130/1132full.bmp
[generic]                  254    6278   4.0% -lh5- 1065 Sep 11  2003 ibm1130/1442empty.bmp
[generic]                  257    6278   4.1% -lh5- 32aa Nov  1  2003 ibm1130/1442eof.bmp
[generic]                  252    6278   4.0% -lh5- 4cca Sep 11  2003 ibm1130/1442full.bmp
[generic]                  264    6278   4.2% -lh5- 2d4f Nov 15  2003 ibm1130/1442middle.bmp
[generic]                 1529    5064  30.2% -lh5- 02ed Apr 24  2002 ibm1130/dmsr2v12phases.h
[generic]                 1015    4122  24.6% -lh5- 7a71 Jul 25  2005 ibm1130/dmsr2v12slet.h
[generic]                  154     326  47.2% -lh5- 7a82 Mar  5  2001 ibm1130/hand.cur
[generic]                93100  210368  44.3% -lh5- 5af9 Feb 23 00:28 ibm1130/ibm1130
[generic]                 1642    4286  38.3% -lh5- 9801 Sep  5  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130.ico
[generic]                 1711    1711 100.0% -lh0- 00be Feb 23 00:58 ibm1130/
[generic]                 2138   13773  15.5% -lh5- cc43 May  2  2007 ibm1130/ibm1130.mak
[generic]               918068  918068 100.0% -lh0- 69a1 Feb 23 01:08 ibm1130/ibm1130.pdf
[generic]                 1112    3474  32.0% -lh5- cf26 Oct 24  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130.rc
[generic]                 1535    6565  23.4% -lh5- 4582 Oct 24  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130.vcproj
[generic]                  266     522  51.0% -lh5- b91d Sep  5  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130res.h
[generic]              3954094 3954094 100.0% -lh0- b9f9 Nov 26  2012 ibm1130/
[generic]                  857    3057  28.0% -lh5- 1b2e Jul 25  2005 ibm1130/ibm1130_conin.h
[generic]                 1088    3171  34.3% -lh5- 1e88 Jun 24  2003 ibm1130/ibm1130_conout.h
[generic]                20106   62296  32.3% -lh5- 7d7e Nov 23  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_cpu.c
[generic]                25361   81474  31.1% -lh5- 57a5 Nov 26  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_cr.c
[generic]                 4056   12679  32.0% -lh5- 5a17 Feb 23 00:11 ibm1130/ibm1130_defs.h
[generic]                 4044   12652  32.0% -lh5- e6f2 May  2  2007 ibm1130/ibm1130_defs.h.bak
[generic]                 8746   26097  33.5% -lh5- c0ca Mar 23  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_disk.c
[generic]                 3598   11926  30.2% -lh5- c457 Oct 23  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_fmt.c
[generic]                  424     763  55.6% -lh5- ca20 Oct 23  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_fmt.h
[generic]                10263   31556  32.5% -lh5- fc4b Oct 24  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_gdu.c
[generic]                16918   52178  32.4% -lh5- 6ff4 Feb  1  2006 ibm1130/ibm1130_gui.c
[generic]                 9570   29037  33.0% -lh5- 80b6 Nov 23  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_plot.c
[generic]                 8028   26563  30.2% -lh5- 277b Nov 27  2008 ibm1130/ibm1130_prt.c
[generic]                  855    1977  43.2% -lh5- be61 Sep 13  2002 ibm1130/ibm1130_prtwheel.h
[generic]                 2668    8899  30.0% -lh5- fe76 Jul 25  2005 ibm1130/ibm1130_ptrp.c
[generic]                14040   46015  30.5% -lh5- bf1b Nov 24  2008 ibm1130/ibm1130_sca.c
[generic]                12132   36899  32.9% -lh5- 6949 Oct 22  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_stddev.c
[generic]                 5227   13729  38.1% -lh5- 1e41 Feb 23 00:12 ibm1130/ibm1130_sys.c
[generic]                 5214   13702  38.1% -lh5- bbbe Mar 22  2012 ibm1130/ibm1130_sys.c.bak
[generic]                 3374   11343  29.7% -lh5- c1d7 Nov 27  2005 ibm1130/ibm1130_t2741.c
[generic]                  993    2457  40.4% -lh5- 2b3f Feb 23 00:27 ibm1130/makefile
[generic]                  993    2458  40.4% -lh5- 4360 Nov 25  2008 ibm1130/makefile.bak
[generic]                 2895    6835  42.4% -lh5- 4d1b Oct 25  2012 ibm1130/readme1130.txt
[generic]                 1118    2221  50.3% -lh5- 34b3 Nov 17  2003 ibm1130/readme_update.txt
[generic]                40074  161308  24.8% -lh5- 9c69 Jun  1  2008 ibm1130/scp.c
[generic]                 1913    5338  35.8% -lh5- 1bf5 Oct 15  2006 ibm1130/scp.h
[generic]                 6212   20377  30.5% -lh5- 2f88 Jul 12  2003 ibm1130/scp_tty.c
[generic]                 8520   32855  25.9% -lh5- f762 Apr 25  2008 ibm1130/sim_console.c
[generic]                 1375    3771  36.5% -lh5- 0ae3 Jun 22  2006 ibm1130/sim_console.h
[generic]                 6897   26914  25.6% -lh5- 7c07 Jun  6  2008 ibm1130/sim_defs.h
[generic]                18547   54106  34.3% -lh5- 5526 Apr 24  2008 ibm1130/sim_ether.c
[generic]                 3359    9780  34.3% -lh5- 08be Apr 25  2008 ibm1130/sim_ether.h
[generic]                 3382    9311  36.3% -lh5- b3b9 Jun 28  2007 ibm1130/sim_fio.c
[generic]                 1108    2125  52.1% -lh5- ac82 May 15  2006 ibm1130/sim_fio.h
[generic]                23458   98486  23.8% -lh5- 146c May 27  2008 ibm1130/sim_rev.h
[generic]                 3035   10004  30.3% -lh5- 5a8f Nov 19  2005 ibm1130/sim_sock.c
[generic]                 1700    4111  41.4% -lh5- d5a8 Jun  4  2008 ibm1130/sim_sock.h
[generic]                 8309   35039  23.7% -lh5- befc Jan 24  2007 ibm1130/sim_tape.c
[generic]                 2023    6501  31.1% -lh5- 7c43 Oct 15  2006 ibm1130/sim_tape.h
[generic]                 5420   18616  29.1% -lh5- dbae Feb 23 00:26 ibm1130/sim_timer.c
[generic]                 5415   18614  29.1% -lh5- 9d4d May 27  2008 ibm1130/sim_timer.c.bak
[generic]                 1361    3247  41.9% -lh5- 56dc Apr 28  2007 ibm1130/sim_timer.h
[generic]                 7010   26672  26.3% -lh5- 6966 Apr 25  2008 ibm1130/sim_tmxr.c
[generic]                 1758    5071  34.7% -lh5- 9ac6 Aug 18  2005 ibm1130/sim_tmxr.h
[generic]                38073  145411  26.2% -lh5- 0fd0 Feb 23 16:16 ibm1130/utils/asm1130.c
[generic]                38046  145357  26.2% -lh5- f0a8 Nov 26  2012 ibm1130/utils/asm1130.c.bak
[generic]                 1266    5319  23.8% -lh5- 5451 Dec 14  2004 ibm1130/utils/asm1130.mak
[generic]                 5713   17365  32.9% -lh5- 12b9 Nov 26  2008 ibm1130/utils/bindump.c
[generic]                 1275    5423  23.5% -lh5- b3a8 Aug 15  2003 ibm1130/utils/bindump.mak
[generic]                 2091    5846  35.8% -lh5- 0f10 Mar 31  2004 ibm1130/utils/checkdisk.c
[generic]                 1309    5480  23.9% -lh5- 41a8 Sep 21  2002 ibm1130/utils/checkdisk.mak
[generic]                18352   56446  32.5% -lh5- 083c Dec 21  2006 ibm1130/utils/disklist.c.bak
[generic]                 1282    5777  22.2% -lh5- cffa Dec 22  2004 ibm1130/utils/disklist.mak
[generic]                 5575   14798  37.7% -lh5- f886 Aug 15  2003 ibm1130/utils/diskview.c
[generic]                 1267    5343  23.7% -lh5- e613 Sep 21  2002 ibm1130/utils/diskview.mak
[generic]                 5638   16260  34.7% -lh5- b082 Feb 23 16:18 ibm1130/utils/mkboot.c
[generic]                 5609   16206  34.6% -lh5- 010f Jun  4  2004 ibm1130/utils/mkboot.c.bak
[generic]                 1268    5295  23.9% -lh5- 2a16 Aug 15  2003 ibm1130/utils/mkboot.mak
[generic]                 3469    9386  37.0% -lh5- 2b3c Mar  6  2005 ibm1130/utils/punches.c
[generic]                 1265    5734  22.1% -lh5- 0cd0 Mar  6  2005 ibm1130/utils/punches.mak
[generic]                 1851    4477  41.3% -lh5- d020 Aug 15  2003 ibm1130/utils/util_io.c
[generic]                  144     260  55.4% -lh5- 4f7c Sep 21  2002 ibm1130/utils/util_io.h
[generic]                 2077    5007  41.5% -lh5- 4698 Aug 15  2003 ibm1130/utils/viewdeck.c
[generic]                 1276    5501  23.2% -lh5- c584 Aug 15  2003 ibm1130/utils/viewdeck.mak
[generic]                36643   86724  42.3% -lh5- 72c1 Feb 23 16:58 ibm1130/utils/asm1130
[generic]                 8240   18484  44.6% -lh5- d22c Feb 23 16:58 ibm1130/utils/bindump
[generic]                 4774   10848  44.0% -lh5- 3e5c Feb 23 16:58 ibm1130/utils/checkdisk
[generic]                15266   34180  44.7% -lh5- 6d04 Feb 23 16:58 ibm1130/utils/disklist
[generic]                18436   56602  32.6% -lh5- aa74 Feb 23 16:55 ibm1130/utils/disklist.c
[generic]                 8600   19824  43.4% -lh5- 0028 Feb 23 16:58 ibm1130/utils/diskview
[generic]                  496    1400  35.4% -lh5- 5b57 Feb 23 16:57 ibm1130/utils/makefile
[generic]                  477    1264  37.7% -lh5- 983d Jan 28  2007 ibm1130/utils/makefile.bak
[generic]                 7658   17356  44.1% -lh5- a323 Feb 23 16:58 ibm1130/utils/mkboot
[generic]                 5455   12296  44.4% -lh5- fa28 Feb 23 16:58 ibm1130/utils/punches
[generic]                 4271    9556  44.7% -lh5- 6f0c Feb 23 16:58 ibm1130/utils/viewdeck
[generic]                 7179    7323  98.0% -lh5- fbb1 Feb 23 17:05 ibm1130/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        96 files 5554678 7354805  75.5%            Feb 23 20:13
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